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Node advancement

من Ashes of Creation Wiki
مراجعة ٢١:٥٦، ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧ بواسطة Lex (نقاش | مساهمات) (Remove draft)

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Citizen and non-citizen player activity (questing, gathering, raiding, etc.) within a node's ZOI counts toward that particular node's advancement (progression) to a higher node stage.[2][3]

The advancement of a node unlocks its unique content, which comes at the cost of locking out an increasing ring of neighboring nodes from progressing to the next stage.[4]

The way that the algorithm expands the territories takes into account a few things: One it takes into account the coast like where's the closest coast. Two it takes into account the neighboring nodes so it can take over and essentially vassal state those nodes, but what's more important is essentially the initial population based on like how players choose their races. Because we have nine different races and four different starting points that branch out, each server's population density is going to dictate essentially the first few nodes that are highly populated and then that initial seed is what's going to determine the node structure as it moves inland into the into the world essentially; and based on the performance and successes of different sieges will determine which nodes that got locked out from the previous the initial advancements what nodes can now be available to advance further. So I really think that with so many variables that are present in the equation of how nodes advance and stay existing with the more variables you have, the higher likelihood there is for there to be a significant diversion in world progression.[11]Steven Sharif
Normally the algorithm that's applied to the node territorial expansion will prevent significant nodes from being in close proximity to each other... There could be a perfect storm where all of the algorithmic progression of territory leads to having these nodes very close to each other because there's certain requirements that should that need to be available to satisfy node vassal takeovers; and it's possible that two nodes would never take each other over as vassals and end up close together and spanning their territories in opposite directions: The Tale of Two Cities thing.[12]Steven Sharif
  • A node does not receive XP from the nodes within its ZOI until these nodes have reached their cap.[7]
  • Citizens of one node can contribute to the advancement of other nodes.[13]
  • Node experience gain opportunities will be equitable across the four node types.[14]
    • The exact percentage of advancement from obtaining items or killing monsters is not going to be explicitly known to avoid "gaming" the system.[15]
Different people have different resources invested in nodes progressing and it would be a little "gamey" if you could know exactly what was necessary at that point because that would disincentivize people from participating.[15]Steven Sharif

Node advancement spawns a series of animations and visual effects (within the footprint of the node).[16][2]

  • Players within the node are teleported to a safe location, likely a respawn area near the node.[16][17]
  • Supplies will spawn around the node and system driven caravans are spawned to bring these supplies into the node. These caravans are not able to be attacked.[16]
  • NPCs will begin construction activities.[16]
  • Players outside the node will see the new facade of the node pop into existence as the node advances in stage.[16]
The Development Area of a Node is where civilization will appear as the Node advances. As the Node Stage increases, different buildings, NPCs, and services will become available in the Development Area. The higher the Node Stage, the more complex and populated the Development Area becomes. Development Areas will also vary depending on the Node Type - Economic, Military, Scientific, or Divine.[2]Margaret Krohn

Adaptive content

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نقطة إهتمام  جديدة (مثل  الدهاليز  و زعماء العالم) تظهر  بعقد(بشكل) متطور.[18] هذا المحتوي  يتكيف مع  تطور  المناطق الموجودة به.[19]
  • سوف تتغير الكثافة.[19]
  • صعوبة المحتوي سوف تتغير.[19]
  • قد يتغير المحتوي بلكامل , إعتمادا علي ما يتطور وكيف يتطور .[19]
  • أنواع جديدة من الوحوش وإختلاف القصة (المهمات).[19]
  • فقط بعض الدهاليز سوف تصبح متاحة في حالة أن العقد تطور لمراحل معينة .[20]
  • القصة(المهات) داخل الدهليز سوف تعتمد علي قوس المهمة التي تتكون من الطرق المختارة عن طريق نظام العقد.[20]
  • الجوائز في المناطق و الدهاليز سوف تكون مقيدة بتقدم المنقطة الموجودة بها.[20]

الدهاليز المحيطة و النقط الاخري حول الخريطة سوف تتأثر بتطور العقد. فقط بعض الدهاليز سوف تصبح متاحة إذا طورنا العقد إلي مستوي معين. القصة(المهات) داخل الدهليز سوف تعتمد علي قوس المهمة التي تتكون من الطرق المختارة عن طريق نظام العقد الجوائزفي المناطق و الدهاليز سوف تكون مقيدة بتقدم المنقطة الموجودة بها . علي سبيل المثال لنفترض أن البشر طورو عقد في المنقطة ج, و أصبحت مجموعة من المهمات متاحة مما يقود اللاعبين إلي أكتشاف دهاليز المناطق المجاورة .ولنفترض أن هذا العقد تم تطويره في منقطة صناعية… قبل تطور العقد , كان هذا الدهليز متاح… ولكن الأن نفس الدهليز أصبح يمتلك وحوش جديدة و تغيرت جوائزه لتصبح جوائز تستعمل للصناعة بسبب تطور العقد . وربما , قد يظهر زعيم جديد في غرف مختلفة من الدهليز التي سوف تحتوي علي مغامرة مختلفة و مهمات مختلفة , مثل شئ غامض مع مهمة للحصول عليه والمهمة يمكن فقط قبولها إذا تطور العقد إلي نقطة معينة في منطقة معينة , حول العالم . نظامنا واسع جدا, بما يتعلق ب الترابط و كيف يتأثر العالم بللاعبين.[20]

See also
