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Zones in Ashes of Creation may refer to.

Zones of influence

دقعلا are pre-set locations, wrapped in a zone of influence (ZOI).[7]

Every Node is given purview over a predefined geographic area called a Zone of Influence (ZoI). No matter where you go in the world, whether you’re questing, gathering, or raiding, you’ll be helping determine which nodes will develop, and what Zones of Influence will expand. Any area that a Node controls is considered its Zone of Influence, including Vassal Nodes, and all Vassal Nodes exist within the Zone of Influence of their Parent Node.[8]Margaret Krohn

Every node is given purview over a predefined geographic area called a ذوفنلا هقطنم (ZOI). Player activity within the ZOI is weighted and counted toward a particular node’s advancement.[7]

The main thing that differentiates us from other MMOs is that we have a living, breathing, reactive world... Our world is separated into zones, which are then separated into what we call nodes. Nodes are sort of invisible zones of influence that listen to everything that a player does; so as players gain experience from killing things, gain experience from doing quests, gain experience through crafting things, the node is also gaining that experience. Once a node gains enough experience it levels up and then starts to attract NPCs to it .[9]Jeffrey Bard

Each Node can form into towns, but are limited by their neighbors. The Nodes have different levels of advancement. There can only be so many of each level. Think of this as advanced settlements needing more elbow room. Nodes encompass more land as they grow and will require more effort to be sustained. This system is a main driver for change in the world because it creates scarcity. As Nodes advance in stages of growth they will lock out neighboring Nodes from progressing, and will absorb their zones of influence.[7]

There is not a space where you will move in to do something and no node will get that experience.[11]Steven Sharif


Volcano area concept art by Ricky Ho.[16] [17]

We are a high fantasy game... That means that outside of the traditional sorts of environments you're going to start seeing some pretty crazy and wild stuff that will also change based on seasons.[18]Jeffrey Bard

Alpha-1 Oasis environment preview.[20]

This is a second one of two of the large water oasis areas that we incorporated into the tropics biome.[2]Michael Bacon

There are approximately 18 biomes (environments) in Ashes of Creation.[2]

We just wanted to represent just about every biome type under the sun really and just have enough diversity over the world that like when you went from area to area , you really just got a contrast of different biome types.[21]Michael Bacon

Castle regions


عالقلا ةباقن influence a castle region around them.[3]

Economic regions

We want our players to have a reason to explore the wilderness, to travel with purpose, and much of that will be driven by our resource system. Transporting these goods might just be more difficult than gathering them. Our regional market system allows players to participate in creating pocket economies that will reinforce the stability of goods in particular regions. Players will be able to move resources and set up shop in other areas to take advantage of the varied markets. With resources spawning dynamically, certain regions will naturally become important trading hubs for the transportation of goods throughout the world.[28]

Economic regions are static areas defined by geographic points of interest.[4][5][29]

  • Castle regions are larger and encompass multiple economic regions.[4]
  • دقعلا are the glue that hold castle and economic regions together in potential synergy or chaos.[30]
    • Node ZOIs are fluid and change their area based on the progression of the node and its neighbors.[4]
  • Castle regions, Economic regions, and Node ZOI (Zones of Influence) can overlap.[24]

The whole map would be under the influence of 1 of 5 castle regions. However, castle regions aren't the only TYPE of region - there are also economic regions, among other things.[5]Sarah Flanagan

مامتهالا طاقن

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نقطة إهتمام  جديدة (مثل  الدهاليز  و زعماء العالم) تظهر  بعقد(بشكل) متطور.[31] هذا المحتوي  يتكيف مع  تطور  المناطق الموجودة به.[32]
  • سوف تتغير الكثافة.[32]
  • صعوبة المحتوي سوف تتغير.[32]
  • قد يتغير المحتوي بلكامل , إعتمادا علي ما يتطور وكيف يتطور .[32]
  • أنواع جديدة من الوحوش وإختلاف القصة (المهمات).[32]
  • فقط بعض الدهاليز سوف تصبح متاحة في حالة أن العقد تطور لمراحل معينة .[33]
  • القصة(المهات) داخل الدهليز سوف تعتمد علي قوس المهمة التي تتكون من الطرق المختارة عن طريق نظام العقد.[33]
  • الجوائز في المناطق و الدهاليز سوف تكون مقيدة بتقدم المنقطة الموجودة بها.[33]

الدهاليز المحيطة و النقط الاخري حول الخريطة سوف تتأثر بتطور العقد. فقط بعض الدهاليز سوف تصبح متاحة إذا طورنا العقد إلي مستوي معين. القصة(المهات) داخل الدهليز سوف تعتمد علي قوس المهمة التي تتكون من الطرق المختارة عن طريق نظام العقد الجوائزفي المناطق و الدهاليز سوف تكون مقيدة بتقدم المنقطة الموجودة بها . علي سبيل المثال لنفترض أن البشر طورو عقد في المنقطة ج, و أصبحت مجموعة من المهمات متاحة مما يقود اللاعبين إلي أكتشاف دهاليز المناطق المجاورة .ولنفترض أن هذا العقد تم تطويره في منقطة صناعية… قبل تطور العقد , كان هذا الدهليز متاح… ولكن الأن نفس الدهليز أصبح يمتلك وحوش جديدة و تغيرت جوائزه لتصبح جوائز تستعمل للصناعة بسبب تطور العقد . وربما , قد يظهر زعيم جديد في غرف مختلفة من الدهليز التي سوف تحتوي علي مغامرة مختلفة و مهمات مختلفة , مثل شئ غامض مع مهمة للحصول عليه والمهمة يمكن فقط قبولها إذا تطور العقد إلي نقطة معينة في منطقة معينة , حول العالم . نظامنا واسع جدا, بما يتعلق ب الترابط و كيف يتأثر العالم بللاعبين.[33]

See also
