Talk:2022-05-27 Video - Ashes of Creation Dynamic Seasons and Weather Developer Chat

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hello everyone and welcome to another update with Ashes of Creation and today

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is going to be a special one i am joined by three amazing artists

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uh our lead environment artist tristan snodgrass hey tristan how you doing buddy

  • 0:55

hello i'm doing very well thank you now this is is this your first recording even though you've been with

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us you've been with us since the beginning six years ago almost right yeah it's been you know since 2016 and i

  • 1:07

don't think i've ever actually been on any of the live streams that's outside of our our studio tour where i think i

  • 1:13

think we had one where you were a sriracha bottle for halloween that's correct

  • 1:19

yeah i've been mostly behind the scenes behind all the cinematics that's right i think our community often asks where

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nodes three is at because because one time i remember i was at that

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i was at that we were at that panel at pax and people were like when's note 3 coming out i'm like tristan's back at

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the studio and he's editing

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that's so good we decided to go different direction but we'll have notes part four here soon anyway there you go we're just gonna

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skip three um and then we also have one of our technical artists our senior technical

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artist mr brian ganz hello everybody hello steven welcome welcome to the to the show sir this is

  • 2:01

also your first time it is although you have been doing a lot of uh a lot of work behind the scenes as well

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making our world look pretty and performant and making sure artists have their tools that they need all the fun

  • 2:13

stuff i'm all over the place in this game running running back and forth between character environment everything

  • 2:21

and then we also have an uh one of our environment artists mr james is it kurowski korowski right

  • 2:28

yeah it's uh karowski welcome aboard buddy and you are this is your first time as well it is my first

  • 2:34

time yeah we have a whole new a whole new crew on the live stream um and this this video is all about

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showcasing what everybody here is going to see here is something i don't recall having ever

  • 2:48

played a game where this is done do you have you guys ever played a game that has had these features we're about to

  • 2:54

see not that i can recall now um i mean i can't even think of a single player game that does this that's that's what i was

  • 3:01

trying to think of too i was trying to think of like a single player game that had done this and i'm sure our community is going to be like oh you know they had weather here or there but this is more

  • 3:08

than weather right yeah i think it's been done to a much lesser extent elsewhere

  • 3:16

i feel like we pushed the envelope quite a bit here yes and and people actually so viewing this video people just saw on

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stream the teaser that kind of goes through and and shows the cinematics in the engine

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in the game uh for this area right so they already know there's some transitioning here but it's it's really

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more than just a transition it is actually a dynamic season tech that

  • 3:40

changes the state of the world across our biomes um and what biome are we in right now

  • 3:46

we are currently in the riverlands biology one of the primary focuses of alpha one

  • 3:53

alpha two yeah no that's right it's actually it's the largest biome in alpha two right correct and it's gonna be where like the

  • 3:58

main uh kaler uh you know well the sort of aylin portal exists so

  • 4:05

i'm looking at this this snowy wintry location and even

  • 4:11

though we're in the weatherland whether lands wither lands it's weather and river

  • 4:17

lands even though we're in the riverlands um that is one of the biomes that can experience

  • 4:22

kind of really traditional season change like what we're accustomed to right that people are going to see across all four

  • 4:28

seasons yeah um i mean this is kind of we we decided to take this to the extremes

  • 4:34

so extreme weather you know everywhere from like harsh snowy blizzard kind of

  • 4:39

environment feels to lush green landscapes so we decided to tackle the hardest part

  • 4:45

first which is making it very very different between seasons yeah this is oh by the way i'm playing avec right now some of you

  • 4:52

uh saw the vek of the character creator but haven't seen it yet in game uh this

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guy is just wanting to experience the amazing immersive world that you guys have have created here

  • 5:04

um okay so we are we are in the riverlands and we are currently in the winter season so we have obviously a

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couple things going on here we have the landscape itself the the environment itself has changed where there's no

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leaves that are on the trees there's snow that's piling up on the rocks um the ground i mean go over what kind of

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what you have to do to transition a biome like the riverlands into a winter season

  • 5:31

so it's the terrain materials and uh you know there's many many materials that can apply to the terrain and each

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one you know accept snow at a different rate of different intensity and uh there's

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the assets that all get kind of the same material function that applies snow to the tops of them

  • 5:48

there's the particle effect that moves with the player camera that handles both snow and rain and any kind

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of precipitation there's the volume fog that just went away as we saw as it cleared up

  • 6:00

the volumetric cloud in the sky has a material that needs to respond to season changes and weather changes

  • 6:07

uh there's a win back i'm making i could keep going for a while there's a lot

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suffice to say there's a lot of stuff that goes into changing a region of the world

  • 6:18

into is that a little bit of thunder oh oh take a moment and just uh enjoy the view oh is this okay so right now

  • 6:26

we're transitioning into like a storm as well as the climate this has been kind of sped up right for to showcase the

  • 6:33

different season transitions correct yes so right now we're getting some rain which will usher in springtime and so

  • 6:39

you'll see all the flora that's growing up right now to the ground where did the sun go snow's gone

  • 6:45

no snow this is unbelievable and now we've added some additional particle effects with the with the

  • 6:51

um uh the butterflies and the bees and the insects yep

  • 6:56

and in addition it's like the all the leaves now have grown on there's a bunch of flowers that are present james talk

  • 7:02

to me a little bit about kind of how you're determining the flowers that are appropriate for each season

  • 7:08

yeah um so one of the hardest things for setting this up was essentially making four biomes and one

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every season and um we kind of started with whales as like a reference point

  • 7:22

my home my home country not whales whales but the country whales yeah country whales oh i thought well

  • 7:29

technically both are both are relevant to you tristan because not only uh are you our lead environment artist but

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you also are a very avid professional environment film guy right you i've seen

  • 7:40

some of your stuff as unbelievable yeah um uh outside of this kind of stuff i tend to uh spend my time filming

  • 7:47

nature so it's kind of appropriate how often how often do you give that to the environment team as reference material

  • 7:52

uh not often yet but i'll be visiting wales next week so i'll be taking plenty of

  • 7:58

this is no joke tristan got right up into the eyeball of this giant whale it's staring right into the camera it

  • 8:04

was so cool dude that was that was very crazy okay i've noticed that the that the animals have changed the ambient sound

  • 8:11

has changed and kat uh has done an amazing job with the ambience and in the riverlands biome it

  • 8:16

is i feel like i am here and not only that but also kept it adaptive for the seasonal changes as well right

  • 8:23

yeah um i think we also actually missed the winter bear back in the day or back in the winters at the biome but that's

  • 8:29

okay we can we'll see another one there's more yeah but

  • 8:34

yeah um james sorry i think we kind of cut you off no that's cool if you want to continue uh talking about

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how you went about the art process for this oh yeah no it's just you know iterative

  • 8:45

like all art is and uh you know how one of our really great environment artists and myself kind of

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worked really closely together to try to homogenize everything for the seasons um

  • 8:58

and there's not much else to say it kind of you can see it

  • 9:03

that's true did the flowers bloom at a particular time yeah no um yeah all the flowers will you know

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decay and die in the fall and turn colors and even the animals like karen right there

  • 9:16

will shift based on the time of the year i love the glow on the carrots antlers

  • 9:22

good job yeah let's go some movies in oh it looks great

  • 9:27

yeah we'll see that karen change in real time later on that's right so so part of you know the relevance of this you know

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not just from a beautiful aesthetic perspective here but what makes it so unique is the dynamic

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element of these seasons and the weather systems changing to the behavior actions of the

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player right so you know part of the triggers that can create seasonal change is not just time

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related for each of our biomes but they are also indicated by events that occur

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on the server whether that be certain raid bosses forming or a relic being acquired by a particular

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node and being activated to change potentially the weather out of

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a winter state into a spring state and the reason why a node might have interest in doing that of course is

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because weather and and the seasons also affect

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skills and abilities they affect crops and gatherables vehicles and mounts ships creatures and

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loot tables change their behaviors might change resistances and weaknesses or

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or synergies might be relevant in certain seasons or weather systems

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targeting might change the aoe radius might grow for a fire effect if you're in the middle of summer or it might

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shrink if you're in the middle of a storm um you know the

  • 10:54

there's so much that goes into this system and that's why you guys really spent a lot of time

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making sure that the environment reflects both at the

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quality we want and isn't just kind of an afterthought weather system because a lot of games that i've played you know

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you get just the visual effects kind of playing and you get some rain or you get some snow but

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what what we've seen here in that transition from winter to to spring was significant and it

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persists and each of these zones exists in these different states at different times across different servers i saw

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those those birds just fly by and it scared the crap out of me it was like what was that you didn't expect that um

  • 11:35

yeah i mean this is definitely one of the more traditional weather biomes i guess you could say in terms of seasons

  • 11:40

but we will be taking things a little weird with some of the other biomes as well um all right here you're gonna see yeah

  • 11:47

i think there's fall coming yeah it's shifting the phone oh i see the leaves starting to spawn oh my gosh and the

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little dust devil oh that looks great oh boy

  • 11:58

oh i love it wow look at the color

  • 12:04

that's my favorite part about everything is just the colors it was really hard to nail down the color change but i think we pulled it

  • 12:10

off yeah i think you guys more than pulled it off yeah even internally like when we showed

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a very early version of this uh to the entire company but it was maybe like three weeks four weeks ago there was

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people that were like crying yeah that i i mean i'm watching the updates every week every day actually

  • 12:30

yeah and i just keep getting like goosebumps watching this thinking and

  • 12:36

again just to reiterate these trends and i'm sure i've already said this on the stream which is tomorrow um but these

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transitions are sped up in order to demonstrate you know what that move for the world looks like but

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ultimately these seasons exist on a weekly basis unless they're event driven or have other triggers right they might

  • 12:57

last longer if you don't deal with the dragon or if you d or if you keep that relic active um

  • 13:03

but these these on a cycle on a cyclical perspective as a normal season

  • 13:08

transition might be exist within a one week time frame right and then it

  • 13:14

transitions over a period of hours um but right now you're seeing it sped up over the course of 30 seconds

  • 13:22

uh yeah correct um i mean in real time it's going to be almost unnoticeable to the naked eye you know

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like kind of naturally how it is in real life we're not going to do it over the course

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of the year of course but you know a couple hours maybe half a day oh is that a dragon yeah it is a dragon

  • 13:40

you might want to take it which boss is that oh man it's starting to snow are you dragging but yeah

  • 13:46

oh look at so i love that so the weather events will usher in the different seasons as well so you'll

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you'll know when the new season is going to change um just based on the weather that's

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happening but to the naked eye you're not really going to see it happening this quickly

  • 14:03

obviously this is just a a very visual demonstration of what's available

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and how we can work with it oh my gosh this is beautiful there's the bears the

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bears oh that guy's probably cold right now yeah he's no he's out of here

  • 14:20

i love the i love uh the dirty coat underneath the beer it sells it so good

  • 14:26

they're currently planning with weather to have like rain and snow be kind of a thing where it snows more often in the

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winter and you know rains more often in the winter and some other places and uh basically

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leveraging some of the new features of unreal engine like the being able to sample the global

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distance field in the material to be able to have the snow accumulate in the crevices of objects as you know as the

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summer as summer comes on and melts away the snow it melts and the crevices last or if it starts to snow

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then it kind of accumulates in the you know outer areas first and the climate is filling later

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kind of thing or even saturates the earth while it melts

  • 15:09

right it's so oh this looks great and it looks like though even the ground is getting wet

  • 15:17

i can hear the footsteps change to the water that's so good yeah well i mean one of the things that

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makes like you know a world come alive it's not just did the wind pick up in the storm it did my hat is going crazy

  • 15:31

but yeah you know like all the elements coming together really sell it like you know you can take away one of the things and everything just kind of falls apart

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like no wind the life or the environment just doesn't feel alive but you know add

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some wind and suddenly everything comes to life oh this is beautiful guys

  • 15:50

yeah this is unbelievable one of the things that is huge about the season system and how it affects crops and and

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the gatherables in the game is the impact it will have on the economy right

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when a particular area no longer is capable for a week's period of time or even potentially longer

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of producing a certain type of crop or harvestable and that has to change

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across the world regionally now the transit system of those materials of

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those gatherables they become more relevant and they're subject to potential risk

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and the prices might go up in certain areas it is something that is actually

  • 16:30

very instrumental in the overall design of the economy in the game speaking of economy are those two merchant ships

  • 16:37

yeah i mean who knows like maybe the straight opens up and suddenly they're able to transport goods a little faster right

  • 16:43

we're playing with the idea of freezing over rivers and things but the implications it opens up a lot of candle worms like

  • 16:49

someone could get trapped under the ice we'll figure it out if it's possible i think you should trap them yeah

  • 16:56

or or even also something that's very easily done that we've talked about since 2017 and such a big component of

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this system coming to life and seeing it at the quality bar that it's at i mean like again i i say this i haven't seen

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this really in any other game let alone mmorpg where

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seasons impact so much of the design and part of that also again on the economy

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front is you might have a mountain pass and during winter that mountain pass is always closed and so the trade routes on

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land change with caravans and that's something that can not only exist on a cyclical level

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but also dynamically based on player activity um i mean that that is a very

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big difference you know can i play with the win can i help those ships out a little bit yeah i mean

  • 17:44

we definitely gave steven some uh god mode controls here to demonstrate some more of the systems in a more dynamic

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real-time way let there be rain

  • 18:00

look at this this is great i love how the distance visibility changes and the

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night the kind of overhead cast comes online yep you're gonna sink the boats with all

  • 18:12

that water i know oh yeah i forgot my bad guys oh no no it's good they needed the fresh water anyway

  • 18:18

oh can i play let me dial up the wind a little bit make it a little bit crazier

  • 18:24

oh i love the grass movement this is crazy look at my hair

  • 18:31

my hat is going wild i love the cloth physics too

  • 18:36

when the rain dies down when the sun hits the grass when it's windy it looks really cool let me do that i have i have

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some god controls that they gave me for this demonstration so let me turn the rain off

  • 18:50

and turn on maybe the wind by itself there you go

  • 18:55

oh look at the like wave movement across the grass how did you get that to occur

  • 19:02

so there's a noise function that we we've got at both materials and

  • 19:07

in blueprints so that eventually it needs to be converted to c plus plus because it's like 300 times faster when

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it goes in the super plus but basically the same function is duplicated in two places so we have it in the materials that

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generates the noise in ripple that goes across the player and in the program the cpu side of

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things the very the value of the wind at the player location gets sent to the audio system so the wind picks up in

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audio uh as a wave of uh snow or a wave of uh wins passes by

  • 19:39

the player i'm just going through i'm going through the seasons like that i just did a quick transition for the for the audience to

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see how much control i have right now yeah so we gave steven a sped up

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timeline of the ability to forward and also reverse seasons we want to you know get a little crazy with it but oh yeah i

  • 19:58

see that so you can go from i could pause it yep

  • 20:06

i love the winter feel we should check out i put some snow on wait for it

  • 20:12

let's see some snow oh yeah oh again look at that i love the fog and

  • 20:18

the effects now start kicking off the ground oh yeah so everything's built into the system and with the sense that

  • 20:24

like they can change dynamically like yeah you're not gonna get that guess the wind uh in certain locations when you know

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it's summer but when it's winter it kicks in oh sh we should watch this kieran real quick can we do that so go

  • 20:38

into the ones actually turn around and get the view in the background i think yeah follow up some of the ones down there let me go see these guys

  • 20:46

hopefully they they play next karen they're little friends there they are

  • 20:52

all right i need you guys in the shot i need you guys to step over here i just hey can you move to the left

  • 20:58

please we need a feeding system where you can just like walk up and like hold out your hand or some type of husbandry

  • 21:03

where i could make my own that's right there we go he listened it just took him a second yes all right

  • 21:10

did a great job on those guys these are fantastic models watch the cure and change

  • 21:16

oh look at them they changed with the seasons that was

  • 21:22

fun for me to figure out oh yeah oh that looks so good james

  • 21:27

and see like you know in our original cinematic that i believe we've shown or we will be showing during the live

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stream like where we you know talked about seasons in our kickstarter yes those were just dissolves between

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environments that we did in post-production and sure people think we're doing the same thing in our new cinematic but you know no it's actually

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happening in real time there's no trickery no figuring it's all yeah this is all authentic beautiful and authentic i love

  • 21:53

it this is the major leagues now heck yeah i love it um

  • 21:59

okay tell me a little bit about the um the weather effects and i know that the

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effects team isn't here right now but we might be getting some insight to their their work next month maybe on stream

  • 22:12

we'll see um but you also have the the effects interacting with the environment like i

  • 22:18

was seeing some streams of rain that was coming down that adrian did some work on um on some of the pork

  • 22:25

calluses yeah there's a individual particle effects that can be placed on some of

  • 22:30

these assets that kind of responds to changes in weather that look like you know rain collecting in areas or uh like

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sheeting off of flat surfaces if you go underneath like a tunnel or something to see it dripping

  • 22:42

more intensely i think we'll have a tool to auto place that but uh

  • 22:48

worst case we can have it be hand placed yeah it looks pretty cool

  • 22:54

same thing with the dust devils the butterflies the bees the leaves

  • 23:02

playing with this wind a little bit i love the tree movement too you know it's it's so funny and a lot of

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the games that i played the wind effects can either look really really good

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or they can look really really bad and usually not much in between but but

  • 23:19

i like how our trees you have this variance and movement from the trunk itself

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to the leaves how do you guys do that we actually had to home roll our own

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solutions so the trees were made in a program called speed tree

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and we had a little bit of trouble getting the speed tree nodes and the materials for

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the trees to function correctly so we just made our own version of wind for now

  • 23:48

but yeah we just kind of take the tree position and a lot of information about the tree is

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encoded to the uh uv coordinates there's about seven or eight

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uv coordinate spaces uh and each one has like you know is it a leaf is it a frond or branch how far

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down the branch is it and we just use that data to drive a bunch of rotations

  • 24:10

some of the information encoded in the uv coordinates is what's the pivot point of this branch so

  • 24:16

i just kind of rotate around that branch yeah that looks great

  • 24:22

that works really looks really cool i love that and then there another thing we're talking about was

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having like wetness effects and snow pile up on

  • 24:33

you know rocks and buildings and stuff that's one thing we're doing for wetness with the terrain if you look at

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the dirt path as it gets wetter and i'm not sure invisible this is because it also gets cloudy dark and maybe they can

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stream compression but as it gets wet we use the height element of the terrain materials to figure out where puddles

  • 24:53

should form and it should we should be able to see it it

  • 24:58

doesn't do it so much on a slope so it might look more visible on a flat train there we go right here

  • 25:05

at the lower areas of the terrain height it gets kind of glossy like puddles

  • 25:11

oh that looks great and a similar thing for snow as the snow is melting it it evaporates so it is

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removed from the areas of where there's high material ambient occlusion

  • 25:25

and it removes it from the high immediate inclusion places last very cool that's amazing

  • 25:32

um let me switch to snow i want to i want to talk a little bit about the building thing here hold on yeah so i

  • 25:40

was going to say we also had our other artists working on some modular sets and various things that we can use to

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construct a lot of the ancient ruins of the ayla race that were once here in

  • 25:53

vera before the how would you describe it the event where everyone left the

  • 25:59

uh exodus the apocalypse the end of the world yep

  • 26:04

wait hold on wait a minute what is this oh this is an example of like obstructions

  • 26:11

yeah so and then design you might not be able to access certain areas and wait but there's something there open

  • 26:17

open for me i command you you might want to oh yeah

  • 26:28

i don't know what is going on wait a minute

  • 26:34

i don't even know if i want to go in there to be fair hold on you might have to change the weather here we might need to wait

  • 26:41

reveal yourself snow i command you to stop

  • 26:46

i feel like there is sometimes during certain seasons what is that oh oh my god oh it's a sandal

  • 26:57

yes that is so awesome who did put that in there yeah that was done by our amazing uh

  • 27:03

artist how she uh nice little inscribed desk there that is

  • 27:09

so cool oh that's that is steven's sandal i think i'm sure

  • 27:15

we're gonna auction off like your sandals i found i found my sandal but to be fair it's missing oh is it is

  • 27:22

there another one there's there's two the sandals come in pairs so wait a minute i assume there's some uh mantle where is

  • 27:28

this where is this other oh can i man can is this like a little uh a little

  • 27:34

uh jump puzzle jump little jump puzzle for you little jump puzzle all right let's see if i can do this

  • 27:41

let me up let me up sir it's just a bit of parkour so oh there

  • 27:47

we go okay do i like jump across this way oh no i think it's your left there you

  • 27:53

can get it either way there's always oh my god oh just barely a small heart attack scared of my teeth

  • 28:00

let me up here oh there's stairs that's dark i can't see oh there's a little darker in there

  • 28:05

it's getting good yeah okay lumen's kicking i found it i think i have found it

  • 28:12

oh there you go my other sandal collector's editions yes

  • 28:18

i love it that is so cool that is awesome well i have to say

  • 28:24

back when we talked about seasonal changes and weather systems

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and all of these things being interconnected with with design elements and systems in the game

  • 28:38

i remember that we showed off the kind of you know very early prototyping that we

  • 28:44

were doing back in like 2017 and we probably actually just showed that on the stream lol but

  • 28:50

um i i never thought that it would come to this level of quality

  • 28:56

yeah in fact when i first kind of faked this kind of seasonal attack

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back before the kickstarter even happened i think i was a little intimidated to myself right

  • 29:07

yeah the prototype that we that we did like that was there were significant challenges of

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making that possible but this is next level oh yeah

  • 29:20

yeah yeah big shout out to uh james and hal and brian for cranking out all the biome stuff and then

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brandon and adam for cranking out these amazing ruins uh scott for the new trees

  • 29:32

too scott scott allen our new foliage go-to guy is the one that cranked up

  • 29:37

some of these pretty epic uh ash streets yes those bugs

  • 29:43

don't mind my god powers i have god powers this is not powers you will have players this is just what i can do

  • 29:49

and also not to uh forget uh hans our new landscape master he's uh took a swing at

  • 29:56

this landscape for us and did us some of the epic views so all around an amazing job by everybody

  • 30:02

yeah we were we were all pretty intimidated when we were having the initial meetings to start working on this but

  • 30:08

everyone pulled together and you guys really are dynamite team

  • 30:14

you guys have done a tremendous a phenomenal job i think the community will let you hear this in chat

  • 30:21

that this is a next level presentation for seasons of weather and for an environment really in an mmo that i've

  • 30:27

ever seen and not to forget of course like you know that's not just us but also you know the entire effects team

  • 30:33

our new audio artist uh cat and you know the character team for getting that cloth physics and all the other

  • 30:40

goodness going and and and this is a work in progress still this is this is nowhere near

  • 30:45

complete this is actually still the great thing about our development that i that i personally love is that we invite

  • 30:52

the community to watch right and over the years they can go back and they can look on

  • 30:57

our youtube and they can see the quality of art continue to improve over time right and that's the cool

  • 31:04

thing about art is that it's never really finished like there is always elements you will be tweaking and you

  • 31:10

will be touching up and you will be taking second third fourth tenth passes on even as the game launches and we go

  • 31:17

through expansions like these are things that that art continually to improves upon uses new technologies for i mean

  • 31:24

that's you guys are the masters of the visuals here yeah my favorite thing is

  • 31:30

go ahead okay so like many heads are better than one a lot of people are gonna see this and they'll be like wow

  • 31:36

this one looks great but it could be maybe slightly better in this area they'll have a screenshot or video to show us you know i've talked a different

  • 31:42

way to look at it and just leverage the hive mind of all of humanity when we're doing this and we're just getting the best of everything

  • 31:49

that's right i like that that's very cool well we are going to go back to stream

  • 31:55

but everybody uh i hope that you enjoyed this video you enjoyed this presentation the best is still yet to come because

  • 32:01

this is stuff that we are constantly working on as we said and we have some amazing artists at intrepid and by the

  • 32:07

way we are hiring so if you have any favorite devs or projects out there that you know of please send them our way

  • 32:13 um this i cannot express enough just how excited

  • 32:18

i am to live inside of vera and i think i think that our community uh is

  • 32:24

chomping at the bits to live there with me uh and all of us it is um yeah i was

  • 32:29

just gonna say like i mean we could probably just sit here and let this run for 10 hours straight and put it on

  • 32:34

youtube and totally do that monetize it or something like that monetize it

  • 32:41

you know those 10-hour like ambient loose oh my gosh that was hilarious we were talking about it today how we like just

  • 32:47

left this running yesterday after one of our tests then we came back to the conference room and it was still running and it was still windy and it was

  • 32:53

perfect it was just like oh wow it's you know still alive and running absolutely i constantly get distracted by

  • 33:00

staring i'm just oh yeah it should be working it's actually kind of um yeah it's calming and you know

  • 33:06

great to just when you're working just sit there and stare at it for five minutes i literally have this exact scene on my

  • 33:12

computer desktop right now just right who needs to go outside when you go to vero

  • 33:17

absolutely love it all right guys we are going to see you guys back on stream tristan

  • 33:23

james brian thanks for hanging out with me and explaining your really cool amazing job at making vera a place that we all want to live in um i cannot

  • 33:30

express enough how much i appreciate the work that you guys do to making this dream a reality and how much our

  • 33:35

community loves it as well so thank you for joining us thank you for all your hard work uh stream give us

  • 33:41

hearts for tristan bryan and james and all of the team on the environment side on the art side everybody at intrepid we're working

  • 33:48

a way to make this stream a reality i will see you guys back on stream shortly

  • 33:53

alright see you bye everybody

  • 33:59
