Talk:2021-10-29 Livestream

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  • 0:39

welcome ghouls and goblins to our glories Ashes of Creation the october

  • 0:45

development update sorry i'm just having a little fun [Laughter]

  • 0:50

i love your costume it looks so good too oh thank you

  • 0:58

the community voted there might have been a steven influence in there yes that is true i i mean

  • 1:04

honestly you did such a great job i love the horns the feathers that the

  • 1:11

wings it all looks so good did you make all that by yourself uh some of it i did this i bought but um the feathers and

  • 1:17

stuff but this i decided to go with just black because i can use it for other cosplay stuff than just this oh yeah

  • 1:24

but she's got like a purpley vibe to her so i got some purple in there you look awesome where did you get that

  • 1:30

i i just or i ordered this off of amazon but you know what's crazy this it came

  • 1:37

last night and i was looking at it and i was like i know i was like i don't remember there ever being a uniform that

  • 1:43

looked like this in star trek a new one news no i like looked all around and i couldn't see the

  • 1:51

unicorns interesting too well the strap is that's like old school kind of like wrath of con esque and you got uh what's

  • 1:57

the emblem from it's like a little admiralty thing but but yeah i'd never

  • 2:02

actually seen this costume i was i was talking to ash this morning i was like yeah i don't remember where this costume came from but oh well i'm a mirror

  • 2:09

universe we've got quite a a stream in store for you and we also

  • 2:15

have like a company potluck thing so you know steven and i are hungry we uh we're gonna try to see if we can do this in an

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hour i feel like we say that but we always we always go for like an hour and a half

  • 2:27

i know we have a potluck today yeah and i was i was looking at some food

  • 2:32

that was getting made last night and i was like this looks good yeah mcp was sending me

  • 2:38

some some pictures mcp with the teasers yeah every basically we have a signup sheet i love

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spreadsheets so i made a split show notes inside of sheet it's a little crazy but um yeah we're bringing back

  • 2:49

our monthly potlucks we used to do these monthly when we were in the office um but uh we didn't really have furniture

  • 2:54

when we first started coming into the office and now we have like some kitchen stuff so um we're starting it back up by

  • 3:01

popular demand i got a lot of people spamming me going where is our blah blah gonna come back

  • 3:06

by the way i am actually streaming from the office yeah you're in the office right now i

  • 3:13

know i am in the studio right now so this is the first stream from the studio i mean not our

  • 3:19

studio room obviously but first stream from the studio and what like almost a year and like

  • 3:25

what a half a year and a half i think i feel like for me for me running the broadcast it's much more comfortable for

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me to be at home since i kind of oh yeah all the time anyway um whereas my work pc i bet you my work

  • 3:37

pc could stream oh yeah i don't know uh yeah i'd have to reset everything up um

  • 3:42

is the problem but yeah we're working on our live stream room we're getting budget approval from steven and uh we'll

  • 3:48

be repurposing a room we're kind of going for like a spooky um fantasy apoca apothecary vibe so it will be very cool

  • 3:56

and moody cool you know like gothic you know victorian furniture

  • 4:02

very comfy still we'll we'll make it work um but yeah we're working on that probably won't be

  • 4:07

something you'll be seeing by the end of this year but uh we'll be redoing our office and then once that's all set up

  • 4:12

we'll be doing all of our live streams from there and you'll be seeing some new faces on the stream right now it's just easier if we continue this way for the

  • 4:19

purpose of what we have but we did spooktacular it up mike did a great job of making some new assets for us on here

  • 4:26

so if you've never tuned into our live streams before uh we we go over pretty much everything that happened in the

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month so if you missed anything you're not gonna anymore uh we'll go over our reminders we have a hefty list of them

  • 4:38

today they're kind of announcements and reminders um if you haven't been paying attention uh we have our studio update

  • 4:43

from steven which should be maybe a little shorter than usual uh we have a design update an engineering update uh

  • 4:48

environment art and character art update and then we have our q a and we'll try to get through it

  • 4:54

for you all as you know as much as we can we do have quite a few little video pieces for you as well so i i'm sure you

  • 5:01

all enjoy those um so to kick it off i will kick off things with our reminders first and

Reminders - Extra Life, Glorious Gourd Winners, and more!

  • 5:07

foremost we have our Extra Life live stream this is our 24 hour live stream we technically do this for like 25 hours

  • 5:14

just because it's easier to just say 10 a.m to 10 a.m but it always falls on daylight savings time so i think we end

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up always doing 25 hours but you know it's dedication man um this year we have we've raised the goal

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a little bit more to 25k last year we you guys were amazing and i believe we went over 80 000 which was just insane

  • 5:35

um but we do have lots of cool donation goals um for everybody

  • 5:41

um which will i i just want you to know michael bacon came into my office during

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stream just to give me a bunch of cans

  • 5:52

are they tricks or are they treats i don't i guess they're treats so michael come over here hey hey you want

  • 5:58

to say hi come on say hi to the stream they probably can't hear him hold on he's coming he's coming around did he bring

  • 6:05

candy for everyone no just he just brought candy candy for me look right here in here what's up buddy where's his

  • 6:12

costume he's usually pretty good where's the costume they want to know oh

  • 6:19

no michael you better run over to target or something no just kidding i'm just kidding thank you for the truth it's a

  • 6:24

good job he usually does something crazy thank you buddy thanks it's always nice to see our bacon we'll

  • 6:31

definitely have bacon back on for sure um but uh oh they said technically you do

  • 6:37

have a costume they said you're the rocker bacon because the you got the glasses going got the glasses on

  • 6:42

um so for our 24 hour live stream we do have quite a few goals um we we've showcased up to the 12 000 marker um we

  • 6:49

have some other ones like we're all going to jump into the pool like an ultimate dunk tank thing in whatever

  • 6:54

we're wearing at the time which could be a cow suit a dinosaur outfit i don't know and then there's all kinds of other

  • 7:00

goodies that are there as well as some really cool lore pieces this year's lore is going to be

  • 7:06

you know a little a little step up from our previous uh lure in the sense of like what you guys have seen um we've

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put together quite a presentation for you all so you'll definitely want to unlock all the pieces uh to be able to

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see what's in store for you um and then of course during our live stream we'll be playing our pathfinder

  • 7:24

game set in Ashes of Creation dun pathfinder we'll be playing pathfinder with steven gmming us

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and you can affect the game i think only thing we changed from last year

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because we basically looked and saw what people were donating was the change places one that's a new

  • 7:42

one because that one i think only one person donated for so we we swapped it for something else and change places

  • 7:47

basically means that the players have to change like which character they're playing which should be pretty crazy um

  • 7:55

but yeah we've got a lot of cool stuff um you know planned for that and uh you know you can go check it out

  • 8:01

uh at our our link there bit lee slash aoc Extra Life 2021 go ahead and start

  • 8:07

donating those will immediately start affecting it right from the beginning so um go go on and head over there and if

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you are doing your own stream yourself you can actually join our team and uh you go to that same link you'll

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see that our team is there you can add and join there so if you're doing your own stream you can actually join our stream team and we can work together to

  • 8:26

raise money for an awesome cause um i believe stephen and i are going to try to do a chat with radies righty

  • 8:32

children's hospital as well we're trying to lock something in so we can kind of chat with them might

  • 8:38

be we're going to try to do before live stream but um if it's after we'll share the video with you guys as well um we we

  • 8:45

want to be involved as much as we can with our local hospital um we're trying to find other ways that we can also work with them as well

  • 8:51

absolutely yeah good stuff i like somebody and chad said wait you're telling me i could have paid 35

  • 8:58

dollars this whole time to roll nat 20s keep talking about their game

  • 9:04

you could if your gm was uh was down um next up we have our glorious gourds

  • 9:12

but first i'm gonna show a little video of uh our team doing theirs it started at a weird part

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but um yeah check it out we had uh yeah this is

  • 9:24

such a cool event that that margaret put together you and brian doing all the

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decorations in the cafeteria area it was cool to see everyone kind of try

  • 9:34

to make these awesome looking pumpkins which started out great from a sketch perspective as i was watching and then

  • 9:40

like as they started carving things went a little downhill no but i thought they turned out really

  • 9:46

cool yeah yeah everyone killed it um so yeah we uh we did our own carving as

  • 9:54

well but you know of course what you guys want to know is who who won the prizes so this

  • 10:00

year we upped the ante we had some even we have even more rewards for people we

  • 10:06

had even more winners and we had some really cool stuff like this amazing uh

  • 10:12

corsair gaming chair um and of course some returning items as well that you might have seen as

  • 10:18

as well as alpha 2 access so if you you know i know there's a lot of people who have said i can't really afford to

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purchase um you know one of the kicks or whatever the backers or pre-order packages or anything like that

  • 10:30

this is kind of your opportunity to be part of that not only did we do a contest we also did a sweepstakes

  • 10:36

because uh we got a lot of feedback that people were like well i'm not really a creative person i don't really do digital or carving of pumpkins or i

  • 10:43

can't find a pumpkin um so we wanted to provide those folks an opportunity and you could have you know

  • 10:50

been in both of them so you got a double opportunity so with that without further ado here we

  • 10:55

go let's show off the winners are you ready stephen this is the first time the winners will be

  • 11:01

announced the winners winners yeah these are the winner winners oh i voted in this i should have had like a okay let's see

  • 11:08

it's all in the run of show so if you want to okay you can also look at those um so

  • 11:13

first and foremost we have our gleeful winner

  • 11:19

our digital gleeful winner uh creative uh

  • 11:25

what what is happening right so it's our corgi we have a corgi in our game if you guys don't know it's one

  • 11:32

there is actually a corgi in our game um and he's crushing

  • 11:37

i think he's crushing nick's uh pumpkin because nick carved a pumpkin and fee's like all about it so fee and

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nick are our two like little mascots and if you didn't know i'm gonna blow your mind to be a butt it's phenic like

  • 11:51

phoenix oh okay huh but it's not a butt no it's definitely a corky butt

  • 11:57

definitely sat down on poorness oh that's like a bunchy dimple in the side

  • 12:02

too yeah wow i'm very graphic with that one how did that get past our approval you voted on

  • 12:08

this i saw you i saw you don't even start i put like a four out of out of comedy i think yeah this one won

  • 12:15

they won the gleeful digital so winning the physical one so a great job cheesy

  • 12:22

weasel i believe you've already been contacted uh we'll be talking to you about getting the information so that we

  • 12:28

can send you your rewards so congratulations on that our physical winner for our gleeful

  • 12:34

prize is this amazing oh my gosh oh yeah that's super cool

  • 12:41

yeah evelyn made this and you know our our resident flanagan aka

  • 12:48

toast uh appreciated it yeah that's super cool i believe toast dressed up as this last

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year oh really that's funny remember she had like her leg she had a light on her head

  • 12:59

and stuff oh yeah yeah she got creative man um next up we have our glorious winners

  • 13:07

and the first up with that is this one from i believe he wants to just be called wu but his full name is listed

  • 13:12

there as well if you'd like to see that very neat a lot of stuff going on in the

  • 13:18

background too for yeah i like i like the eye that fell out on the left

  • 13:24

yeah yeah and like there's you can see the fell beak macadamias yeah they're both

  • 13:29

i think they're being this horrifies felipe macaws creeped me out as already and like if you read the lore there's

  • 13:35

actually laura on our website if you want to watch or read it and then there also is a video that shows the creation process of them they are so creepy

  • 13:43

they're creepy little teeth creepy little teeth creepy little teeth i designed them that way

  • 13:49

we need we need creepy teeth all right next up we've got our physical one which is this is from big chief jojo

  • 13:56

and wow wow detail look at that carving that's crazy i like

  • 14:05

the individuals individual threads of hair on the beard yeah and if you look closely at the bottom they're actually

  • 14:11

braided steven that's crazy um so great job

  • 14:18

jojo this was awesome i liked seeing this isn't jojo's first

  • 14:24

sculpting i don't think so either

  • 14:29

all right next super cool is that supposed to be bacon i think it's a junior oh it's a dinner okay i do need a

  • 14:35

war our next one is our gorgeous one and we'll start with our digital version and this is beautiful it's like

  • 14:42

a phoenix kind of looking down at this pumpkin and inside you can see our two

  • 14:48

fire like mages kind of casting something do some kind of ritual in there and i think there's um one of the

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fire pox of our fox of the pyre up in the top kind of keeping watch

  • 14:59

this is the story that i've built for myself i don't know if that's actually the story [Laughter] i like the work on the phoenix

  • 15:06

yeah it's beautiful very beautiful and then our physical digital one and

  • 15:13

that's by krixi congratulations qixi is this one whoo

  • 15:18

this is the physical one from jason and wow wow

  • 15:25

how do you even do the details like that i don't know but and and you have to get it thin enough where

  • 15:30

when you put a light inside the pumpkin that it goes through because we saw as you saw ryan richmond's pumpkin had an

  • 15:37

issue with that because like he didn't make it thin enough remember so we we put like so we put like a hundred like

  • 15:43

ryan richman out on stream welcome as we saw with the failure of ryan

  • 15:50

richman's pumpkin look he's an amazing concept artist and he made he made the he made our lovely

  • 15:56

mushroom booty boy but the problem was it didn't glow through the pumpkin ryan stick to

  • 16:03

photoshop buddy no i'm just kidding no it was amazing it just wasn't thin

  • 16:09

enough so the light couldn't come through it like you can go look at it it was gorgeous so funny ryan i didn't say

  • 16:14

it margaret said it i thought it was great personally i thought you did a really good job

  • 16:21

margaret apparently did not like it no i think he did an amazing job i said he did an amazing job he did a 100 amazing

  • 16:28

stop he did an amazing job it just needed to be thinner so we could get the lights to show through

  • 16:34

um all right cool cool stephen stop all right our next one is our grotesque

  • 16:42

pumpkins and oh wait did i say the name yeah i did say the name um our groces prize winner for digital is the crow and

  • 16:50

speaking of our mushroom booty guy he's back there i think he's gonna eat this pumpkin

  • 16:57

i think no the pumpkin is numbing on some mushrooms and this the mushrooms are coming to

  • 17:03

attack this pumpkin yeah that's cool yeah i like the decrepit kind of almost

  • 17:11

undead gray on the mushroom yeah his face is just like see steven what about

  • 17:17

my gray version of the my my gray and black version of the of the mushroom guy we should share that

  • 17:23

someday yeah he was against it i was little again there was not any color in it even in the camera it was like a it

  • 17:30

was like a gray and white like monochrome theme i think that that looks good like uh on concept but

  • 17:37

when you get into the game and it's just this gray thing yeah i can understand that for sure yeah it looks cool the way

  • 17:42

it is now too i think both versions are so totally we'll have to show the other ones sometime all right our

  • 17:49

physical grotesque one is this one which is super creative this is by flaunt and definitely flaunting

  • 17:56

some skills here that's crazy yeah is that play-doh or an actual pumpkin

  • 18:01

it's like they took pumpkin pieces and like built it into this the bird creatures what are they called

  • 18:08

they have a weird name that is that i mean that's just really a lot of talent

  • 18:15

that's like you know architectural artistic like

  • 18:20

you know some degree of of gourd expertise and understanding that it's not going to fall apart or the rib cage

  • 18:27

is just well done yeah it's very good and the lighting is surely the head is not pumpkin

  • 18:34

i think it is that's crazy the whole thing is pumpkin but toast can let me know it's like a

  • 18:40

dracolic pumpkin dracolich i think it's the we have those bird

  • 18:45

creatures in our game i can't remember them oh oh i see i see i see yeah god

  • 18:51

i haven't seen them in a while about the yes shoot we've shown them like a long

  • 18:57

time ago nobody knows in chat yeah what are the birds the birds and alpha one the little

  • 19:03

the those one birds people are saying terror birds they're terrible i don't think we know

  • 19:08

what terror birds are i went into a very lengthy explanation on terror birds all right

  • 19:14

thank you lex slade born slade born there we go cause i was like i was like i know the name but i can't remember i'm

  • 19:20

sorry i've been i have my mind is mush i would normally recall that but yeah we've we've had a busy month next up

  • 19:27

we're going to go into our groundbreaking breaking once and then we'll go into our sweepstakes winners so groundbreaking the the cockiest king uh

  • 19:36

won the first one for the digital version and this is pretty sick they have uh kind of the raven in the background with

  • 19:44

with the eyes and our turtle friend

  • 19:50

a lot going on in this one and then there's like a little bowl of gross stuff in the front i think it's a play on on the crow yeah

  • 19:58

yeah super cool very cool and then the

  • 20:06

next one for the physical version is a friendly neighbor and this is another creation

  • 20:12

which just again wow wow that is crazy

  • 20:18

yeah so this is the biggest thing i think it looks huge i'm not sure but it does look pretty big

  • 20:28

yeah uh that's pretty awesome and i think they like paint it with glow-in-the-dark stuff or something because like it kind of looks like it

  • 20:33

glows in the dark i think they have a black light on it yeah maybe that's it looked like a black

  • 20:39

light and then it's pretty cool though so friendly neighbors so that's all of our digital and physical winners our

  • 20:45

sweepstakes winners are corey c collins dave b david n sasha s

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graeme j jersey p paul o amanda d and jane l and all of the winners have been

  • 20:57

contacted so if you have been contacted please make sure that you reply i believe most of them already have

  • 21:02

replied um but yes uh well done everybody that was awesome

  • 21:09

yeah very very i mean just amazing talent very cool i didn't know you could do so much with a pumpkin

  • 21:15

yeah people people killed it every year we're always like amazed by all of the amazing stuff

  • 21:21

that everybody does um so we really appreciate all of the goodness and

  • 21:27

hopefully you'll appreciate all of the rewards and we'll definitely see you all in um

  • 21:34

our alpha 2 because you're getting access to it yeah

  • 21:40

next up just quick reminder of the things that are going on the website uh we are continuing we have continued work on

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improving our sso 2fa and general like account security stuff that's all underway um whenever we have our update

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we'll notify you all via our support channels and our support and mobile web designs last month i told you all that

  • 21:59

those were going like being created those designs are now complete and the next steps to implement them are moving

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forward um and you'll see them when they're ready to be pushed live

  • 22:10

beyond that we have our monthly cosmetics are going to be swapping over the dying of the light is scheduled to

  • 22:17

swap over november 3rd 2021 at 11am pacific so if you're interested in that check that out and of course all those

  • 22:22

details are always in our article we always let you know way a month in advance when things are swapping over so

  • 22:29

you there are no surprises um last month we asked you uh what are your thoughts

  • 22:35

around character and gear inspection particularly as it relates to setting settings and options should you have the

  • 22:42

option to allow or disallow others from inspecting your character why are we not and we really appreciate all of the

  • 22:48

feedback that you all sent for our dev discussion and of course november we will have another one that will be coming up here

  • 22:55

and that one is going to be on user interface so if that's something

  • 23:00

that you're super passionate about which i feel like all of us should be because it's something that we deal with

  • 23:05

we're interacting with all the time please get your feedback into us when we post that up and then of course we have

  • 23:11

our guild gathering ones uh we asked you what administrative functions do you wish other games had in their guild

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management system anything that you always feel like you're missing as a guild leader or officer and you all had

  • 23:23

some amazing suggestions i think our design team had quite a few extra ones as well that they felt

  • 23:29

were necessary as well so it's cool to see that you know we have all the ones that you guys want as well

  • 23:35

as some extra ones internally and next month we will be doing another one and this is

  • 23:42

going to be on guild versus guild politics so this will be a juicy juicy one to be

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part of so please send us your feedback so that we can make sure that we're implementing designs that you all like

  • 23:54

um and of course last but not least our content creator program is still open for applications we have not sent

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invitations yet but applications are out there so go go forward until we close the application process

  • 24:08

um beyond that i think we're ready for our studio update

  • 24:13

if you want to take us on to that like i said absolutely a lot of reminders for this month

Studio Update

  • 24:18

and announcements all right it's 11 25 we're ready to start i'm just kidding

  • 24:24

i'm just kidding well we had to announce all the winners i know i know i know um yes not too much

  • 24:30

really on the studio update front this month um you know we've been plugging along obviously in our

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completing our retrospectives completing our review process um we have gone through kind of research and iteration

  • 24:44

phase and now we're moving on to um uh to implementation uh

  • 24:49

of some of the core features for for alpha 2. um you know things have been going pretty good here at the

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studio we've finally got all of our furniture in the vast majority of us are back now in the studio

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we're just waiting on some ancillary you know artistic touches to the studio hiring's been going great

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the whole having a bunch of people really applying to the studio excited about the

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project and wanting to to somebody just

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put a weird monster head across the door window so

  • 25:27

there's like peeking in the office i'm sorry okay i think we're gonna be it's gonna be a long stream guys buckle in

  • 25:34

uh hiring isn't going great we've had a lot of great talent applied to the studio naturally organically just in

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their awareness of the project you guys as a community helping on that front has been extraordinary we really

  • 25:44

appreciate it we have now some additional internal recruiters that have started um stacy cameron they're they're

  • 25:50

they're getting hard hard to work here in in helping fill some some additional positions and we have

  • 25:56

the space now to grow in the new studio so we're very excited about that um things have been going really good on

  • 26:02

the design and engineering front um a lot of tech debt that was uh part of

  • 26:07

the alpha one milestone that has been pretty much shored up now and they have been able to move on to

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some pretty exciting um feature developments so that's been exciting to watch we'll have some updates for you in this stream but otherwise things are

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going really good at the studio so very excited for this next chapter very excited for this next milestone

  • 26:24

alpha 2 i think is going to be um a real game changer so yeah yeah we're

  • 26:30

just doing lots of stuff to you know keep everyone happy outside of work as well because we have a lot of people who

  • 26:36

have moved here so just you know having fun and making games um

  • 26:42

next up we have our design and engineering update and would you like to start with the video

Design & Engineering Update

  • 26:47

or yeah we can we can start with a video i know you guys have been patient kind of going along so far um just wanna you

  • 26:54

know give you a real quick precursor to the video um

  • 27:00

one as we've said last month in the development live stream that post alpha one there's going to be a an interim

  • 27:06

period where a lot of things are getting torn apart in the build in the engine um

  • 27:11

and it you know is being iterated upon new features are being developed and in that regard you know it's going

  • 27:17

to be a little while before we actually show you some new in-game mechanics and you know new areas where they're we need

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they need to get into a good state you know they need to be presentable so we want to make sure we're cognizant of

  • 27:29

that but in the interim uh we always have things moving forward on the art

  • 27:34

side you know being able to show you guys some of the animal husbandry system and how kind of variants occur on a per

  • 27:41

animal basis you're going to see that in this video a little bit you're going to see a new mount in this video um so just

  • 27:47

wanted to you know keep the pace of monthly giving you an in-game look at some of these things as they come online

  • 27:52

um you'll be getting more into the mechanical and systems aspect of things uh in future months uh but for now this

  • 27:59

is just a short sweet video uh in game uh just to show you some mount variants in the animal husbandry system and and a

  • 28:05

couple new mounts all right we'll see you all in about eight minutes

  • 28:12

welcome Ashes of Creation community to another stream

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on the development of Ashes of Creation happy to have you guys with us today

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a very spooky friday i hope you guys are planning to have a fun weekend and enjoying halloween for

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those of you celebrate um just wanted to take a moment to jump in game and give you guys an

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update on some uh some progress so as we've said over the last um

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couple of live streams you know exiting out of alpha one there's going to be a significant period of downtime um

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you know we're not going to be showing a lot of stuff in their broken states and kind of reiterating on on a lot of these

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systems as well as you know implementing additional features for alpha 2. you know that work

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is moving ahead teams are doing a great job in that front um but there are some

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things i can't show you and when i can i would love to jump in game and kind of give you that

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that progress report so as you can see here um i am just

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walking along in the world of era but there are some things

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on an animal husbandry front that might be of interest uh to those of you

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who like that kind of thing so let me show you

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some of the things that we've been doing now um some of you may be familiar with

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the dawnbreaker uh mount and just to give you like a little bit

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of an update agency's gone ahead and done a second pass on the dawnbreaker updated some of the hair

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um some of the features of the face and whatnot and i think he will be

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happy to see some of those updates so as you can see

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the uh the wings have gotten a little bit of a treatment uh but and more importantly let me see

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if i can get by this light a little bit you can see the hair has been updated as

  • 30:23

well the eyes the beak um let's see if i can get a better

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better position hold on all right there we go

  • 30:36

oh hey whoa calm down calm down

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all right i know you're excited i know you're excited but as you can see um

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some of the wings have been updated um the hair has been updated the model

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itself is looking much better looking very cool uh but

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to demonstrate some of the things that are possible through the animal

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husbandry system let me show you some alternative dawnbreakers

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i can open my ai or ui yeah um okay

  • 31:19

so you saw that guy but what about this dude

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oh my gosh look at those green wings

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look at the things you can change on these animals

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love it looks very cool i love the the green is almost mesmerizing

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oh yeah this guy looks pretty cool all right let me show you another one

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another little variant wait for it

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and it's not just the wings that can change as you'll see in the next one

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but the skin color the fur

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uh let's take a look at this guy wait

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let's take a look at this guy

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this guy's like a dark both one and you can see he's got

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variant eye color variant fur colors

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the pattern and colors and the emissive on the wings have changed

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and these are just a few options through the animal husbandry system that are capable

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um let's see hold on

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let me show you um i'll show you another one actually this guy's not a very this is a

  • 33:02

mount that you might have seen a while ago the plumed halberdier

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oh this guy is so pretty i love the uh i love the axe

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the albert head that's on his beak oh he looks so cool

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yeah this guy's awesome hold on let's see if i get a little

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stretch a bit oh no flame scared corrupter

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this guy's coming for me just kill him all right go back go back from once you

  • 33:51

came themed well anyways hope you guys enjoyed taking a

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look at some of the cool updates and progress on the animal husbandry front and taking a look at

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also some of the mounts that came out um yet again i want to remind you that you know as we're kind of moving towards

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alpha 2 here uh and tearing apart systems and um working on new features

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uh you will get more updates in future live streams but in the meantime hope you

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guys enjoyed taking a look at some of these uh cool advancements on the art side um

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stuff's coming together looking good see you guys back on stream and have a happy halloween

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  • 34:38

so did your functional goodness absolutely oh no i was listening

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okay um yeah absolutely so you know the cool thing about

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watching us progress especially on the art front is that you get to see as passes occur the graphics you know gets improved the

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models themselves get improved they become more performant like i said the real systems heavy mechanics heavy stuff

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you're not going to be seeing for probably at least a couple more months uh that includes like combat it includes

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systems i have a list if you'd like me to read through oh yeah sure yeah engineering sent over a list of things

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um obviously they're working on the initiation and the initiatives uh through through this december as well

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with a bunch of uh goodness but um they're supporting environment for world building needs and i'll be talking a little bit about that in the environment

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section they're optimizing blueprint scripts to code and i know design is helping assist with a lot of

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that too just making everything a little bit more performance related

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and cleaning things up code system cleanup cleaning out deprecated codes and systems um player character

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animation system revamp which you probably won't see for a few months another one of those things that stephen had mentioned i think a few of these are

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like that the new advanced ai system that they're working on and upscaling game network capabilities uh for players

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and npc capacities as well as new combat and ability systems um applied to npcs

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and then also improved player npc movement performance and smoothness

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right yeah there's a lot of initiatives right now underway um and

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you know it takes time obviously for us after alpha one for us to go through and

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and implement um that those features those uh those updates that that kind of tech

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network that's um necessary right so uh just be patient with us over the next couple of

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months right you're going to have a little bit of a lull in systems heavy or mechanics heavy uh kind

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of previews right because that all stuff all of that stuff is getting actively worked on at the moment for alpha 2. um

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so that's a pretty important thing but what we can show you is is fun stuff the the artistic stuff right the passes that

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are being done the new models that are being created the world coming to life essentially right um and and that's

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always a fun thing to see some things like i think last month we showed off some of the performance stuff

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that our team is working on as well as the node system um uh what do you call it like simulation

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so we can definitely show some of that stuff and we will the ones the pieces that we're comfortable with sharing we definitely will some of it has to be a

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little secret secret you know so no one steals their stuff but yeah

  • 37:25

oh dear um yes so um great thing though on the design front is and actually just to talk a

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little bit about the video that you saw right those variations um that were present with the dawnbreaker right those

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are examples of how animal husbandry surfaces kind of subtle changes from

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subtle to extreme right those were more subtle right those are wing variations those were fur variations color

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variations eye color variations all of that kind of stuff you know gets represented as part of the animal

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husbandry system um and it's cool to see what's available for players to experiment with to discover to to

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essentially engage on uh in the animal husbandry front um but uh you know i i think that's really

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something that's cool because it gives a uniqueness a character uh essentially to

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the profession itself right yielding something unique to the to the actual uh player um that's always a fun thing

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to see now you did see that it was a flying mountain of course always i need to say flying mounts are restricted to

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essentially high titles those are mayors of metropolises and kings and queens of of castles but the winged mounts for

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those who are not of royal nature they do have gliding capabilities and those gliding capabilities can be um developed

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uh so you can do so you can glide further um but the other thing that's cool and really what design has been focusing now

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and a little bit we spoke about last month and i'm not sure are there any other pieces that we want to show from design um i know i'll be moving on to

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the environment art next cool very cool so just real quick on the design front um it's been it's been a really great

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process over this last month and a half essentially where we've kind of gone through obviously the player feedback we talked

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about that last month we've gone through you know um kind of identifying the changes that we want to make based off

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of the experiences in alpha one even though that was a very core technical stand up there was still

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still a lot of great information that was received on the design front um for the intents of future uh future alpha 2

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systems and mechanics um so working very closely with the design team on that front i think i i don't

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know how many hours of the day long long discussions

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yes many hours verbal battling a lot of passion love the passion um

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it's it's a lot of fun too because you know you're surrounded by other mmorpg players and and developers and lovers of

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this genre and you know we all have an eclectic past and different games that we participated in and things that

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we loved about those games so um that's things that we've learned things that we think people you know we

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need to fix or solve and things that we think people did well that we'd like to make sure that we're you know

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incorporating i think there's a wide balance of that and to touch on the front that stephen mentioned in regards

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to some of the stuff you know we won't be showing for a few you know like a little bit of time um

  • 40:17

that also ties in with our creative directors letter too i know there's some discussion about this in the community

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but we will probably be having one of those in december with with some more information potentially um and also that

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will include a video and some infographics from our alpha one as well so

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uh we just wanna make sure that we have kind of a solid i wouldn't say road map but a little bit more of

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you know a solid piece of information that we can give you all about the next quarter and what that looks like for us

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and then obviously we'll continue doing those quarterly past that point um but right now we're like stephen said a lot

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of it is kind of protected at looking at the stuff that we have redesigning some things that we think need changing based

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on everyone's feedback but we're really taking everything to heart so thank you all so much for coming into our alpha one for those of you who weren't able to

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join but like watched a lot of content left a lot of feedback we even went and looked at feedback from videos that our

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like content creators created and we what we read through those pieces so we really did a thorough dive into all of

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the things that you guys were saying good and bad and we want to make sure that we're just making a really great game

  • 41:24

absolutely yeah moving on we've got a lot to get through in 15 minutes i don't think we're gonna

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make it so first and foremost we'll switch over to our environment goodies

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um which will start with some props i'm going to show these and i'm going to just talk a

Environment Art Update

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little bit about what the environment team has been up to these are concept uh concepts of the

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imperium props but um the environment team themselves have been

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finishing building remaining props assets for empirian kaylar and junior races and you've been seeing a lot of

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those as we've been showcasing them and then also there will be some that i'll be showing today as well

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they're doing node r d for node levels this basically showing you know from a

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town all the way to a metropolis what that looks like how much space that takes up uh what each of the races kind

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of look like where buildings are placed where paths are placed that kind of thing and trying to make sure those feel

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you know unique and different every single time they're built it's a lot of tech that goes into that

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they're also building up the vera map you guys have seen the map obviously there may be some changes that come along the way

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but they're finishing planning their pass for the remaining biomes that they have left as well as the world details in regards

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to those pieces maybe there's some different types of you know plant plants they need for each of those biomes etc

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that need to be created out so they're kind of making the plans for all of those things um uh obviously prop

  • 42:51

content started for the value and renkai you haven't really seen a lot of those yet but those are coming in and you'll

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be seeing those coming you know in the future as well as building out camp through village stage modular building

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sets for faelun and renkai as well so i think we've shown in the past a lot of pyrion klar junior stuff and you'll be

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seeing some of the new races coming forward as well uh they're doing some dynamic oh go ahead sorry i was just

  • 43:18

gonna say um you know one of the big things obviously in this heavy production work of of

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creating all of these props and and these assets that you know essentially fill the world

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is you know i think as you guys have seen our attention to detail our desire to

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create a very immersive environment is strong with this team and

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all of this diversity this you know work that's done on the on the

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prop front on the asset front um helps to convey that when you're in game and

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you know over the years in development you guys have seen if you've been following you know significant uh

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strides in visual um visual

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fidelity essentially right and and having that diverse ecosphere of

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these types of prop works for environments like villages and and the the node advancement um i think really

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sets the stage for for a fun and immersive atmosphere for players so it's great it's great to see our artists you

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know doing such a great job and detailing um you know what these props

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you know contain because oftentimes in many games we probably played together you know there's not too much detail

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that's that's that's catered to to such you know minute aspects but when they're

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all you know placed together to create that environment uh that detail really really

  • 44:49

comes to life and and makes the game much more enjoyable of course and speaking of detail you

  • 44:54

know i've swapped over i've been showing you the uh concepts and then the environment props i think i did environment props and then concept sorry

  • 45:01

uh i misclicked um these are actually the iconography for the different races they're work they're these are not final

  • 45:07

again these are work in progress but these are some things that they're running through their mind but you can really see the differences in the

  • 45:12

cultures and and the way that they do things and the type of um like iconography for each of them which is really cool

  • 45:18

um especially when it comes to flags and banners yeah i mean one of the big components of these cultures there's a

  • 45:24

very rich history and those histories are represented obviously in this this you know graphics work on sigils

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you know there's there's a lot of influences that are that are specific to those cultures um and you may not see

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any one obviously of these you might see a whole collection of these depending on what aspect of that culture you're looking at right whether it be the

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military side or the economic side the advanced scientific sides like they all

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represent where these cultures have come from and it's important to to make sure we're on the ball with that and

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represent those you really want to unlock the lore for the um the

  • 46:02

the Extra Life stuff yeah it's good and it's gonna look cool too like the way that we're gonna be like visually and

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audibly uh sharing that information is gonna be neat so i hope you all tune in and i hope you all like it um but of

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course if you missed the stream we'll we'll be sharing those things on our youtube channel as well um beyond those

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things we are also working on dynamic dungeon system planning um a lot of dungeon stuff is being worked on in

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regards to that and incorporating all the things from design side um yeah the the

  • 46:31

you know on the dungeon front sat in with a few meetings with jeremy and with

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the environment team brian ganz and and and michael bacon um just chatting about

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kind of you know what we've already expressed you guys in the past on these design fronts is

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you know these dungeons are going to be ever changing there's going to be you know elements of them that reflect

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kind of the advancement of the node structure throughout the world and in that sense

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you know the spawn populations might change corridors might become open from

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time to time that are unique you know new traps might be placed in random locations or procedurally you know just

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something that keeps this this content which typically in mmorpgs is very

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repetitive like you have a grind spot you go to that grind spot and you're just constantly there you know day after

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day or whatever you know something to shake that up to make that more interesting to make it fresh right

  • 47:27

that's that's that is the objective of the dungeon team um is to identify

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technologies and develop those technologies in-house that can create a more eclectic atmosphere in these

  • 47:40

dungeon areas yeah um beyond the dungeon system stuff they're also working on building

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construction and dec and destruction pipelines for buildings i think we'll be showing some videos of

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those in the upcoming months um i know they were working on some of it but they weren't quite ready for uh kyle to make

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some video of it but we'll definitely show some of like the buildings being constructed and then deconstructed and what that looks like i know there's been

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a curiosity in that and we've shown some of it in the past and some of you experienced it in alpha one um but it's only going to get better

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that's like our that's like early stages of it so it's even going to be more insane as we move forward

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and of course they're working on world lighting improvements and this last one i actually have a video about which is

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weather and system and season systems uh they're doing a lot of research and development on this and building out the

  • 48:29

pipelines for it and yes do you want to talk a little bit yeah let's preface that just real quick

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so again you know reiterating the comments i made about um

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the subtleties and um you know immersion aspects of the game

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are important not just from a proper environment standpoint but also from a creature standpoint and you know many

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times your environment and game changes based on where you're located right they might

  • 49:00

be weather might be time of day might be seasonal like those components

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should take should be demonstrated in some graphical visual way to the player

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and not just from an environmental you know perspective but also to the things you own right so

  • 49:19

mounts being one of those things that you own will interact with the seasons and the

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time of day um and they'll do so on an fx front they'll do so on

  • 49:31

a complimentary colors and flowers that might be available so what you're going to see here in a moment is a

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demonstration of how one particular mount i can't remember the name of this one i know it's a turtle but what is it

  • 49:42

this is the terrapin terrapin yeah so the terrapin tortoise the terrapin tortoise as you'll see in just a moment

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is just an example this is not just yeah yeah exactly just an example has a little tree that sticks out of its shell

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yeah and on around that tree are some effects that's intended and on that tree are

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some blossoms and blooms that are intended and you'll see how they interact with the seasonal and time of day changes here in just a second all

  • 50:08

right i'll play the video [Music]

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  • 51:22

all right yeah so again i just want to preface that like we're just using this example but we could use this type of

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tech for a lot of things not just mounts uh we're just showcasing it on mounts as an example of how it could work um and

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like this is actually you can pop in the game right now and change the daylight and change the weather and it

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automatically does this for this mount yeah this is this is in game now and you know

  • 51:46

obviously different i think there's going to be a way that we're going to implement this on a design perspective as well uh

  • 51:53

mounts will have rarities right and those rarities will be i think

  • 51:59

respective not only of their skill selection that they were either bred with or acquired with right but also

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as it scales in rarity you're going to see effects like these come online the ability for that mount to represent but

  • 52:12

as market said this is not just on the mount front this is something that um i think allows us to integrate both

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the visual component of an environment that you see but also incorporate effects as part of that environment and

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that change accordingly to other things that are going on in the world um and i think that's a that's a really cool uh

  • 52:32

component jim yeah sanders did a great job yeah he's been doing a lot of crazy

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stuff that's getting him to a point where he's like i don't even know how this works absolutely i need an engineer i i like um vale miss

  • 52:47

warden says like housing yeah exactly you're 100 your trees and types

  • 52:53

of your the types of birds you might see oh yeah right that are flying around or you know

  • 52:59

maybe during spring you have i'm sorry about that maybe during spring you have some like hummingbird feeders you know

  • 53:06

what i mean like there's a lot of cool things that are capable with this uh with this type of system that that added

  • 53:13

just an extra oomph of character and that's not it we have more stuff for you

  • 53:18

um the environment team has also been working on some prop tech uh which i will show

  • 53:24

you a video of right now so for instance like uh this allows them to kind of use

  • 53:30

like an object but be able to like change the textures on it to make it kind of look like a different object

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kind of grouping objects together really easily changing what they look like dynamically a lot of interesting stuff

  • 53:42

like that that's going to help us with nodes a lot um and i think i have another video here

  • 53:47

that assists with that as well which is kind of like a clutter um thing

  • 53:53

a clutter thing well yeah so it's it's basically i don't know how to explain it it's basically like where how objects

  • 53:58

are laid on a table it like auto populates it to look different i call it clutter or they call it

  • 54:04

clutter so in editor you have these you know you have these little props that sometimes

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sit on top of other props and margarita the example of like potions or foods or bread yeah no cups or whatever right um

  • 54:16

and this is just a quick way for designers to utilize what you know

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assets the environment team is providing them and randomly shuffle these assets

  • 54:28

on top of another prop essentially so that there's a again a greater diversity attention to detail on these and the

  • 54:35

size of subjects yeah it's crazy they yeah like it's pretty amazing they you could pull

  • 54:42

a crate and then all of a sudden it's just like here's a group of them here's a here's a different formation of them here's the type of the race uh and then

  • 54:49

this stuff is really neat just being able to place the objects i was telling them how i would love this tech for on a

  • 54:55

user side too for when we're placing objects in our freehold and they looked like bacon was like not

  • 55:02

yet margaret i'm like but it's different it's a little different to do in run time um i

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mean it's and of course it's entirely possible right but um this is really just intended for this i'm a huge sims

  • 55:15

player so this stuff excites me um but yeah so that is environment stuff

  • 55:20

and then we'll move on to character we are going a little long we'll try to get through this quickly um so next up

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[Music] wrong thing there we go oh another video no this is the tortoise um it was

  • 55:32

playing so uh next up we've got quite a few things we'll be showing off

Character Art Update

  • 55:38

some stuff here and um this is obviously the fel bark berserker yeah this is the completed the completed

  • 55:45

uh uh armor set um this was i believe eli uh that worked

  • 55:50

on this great job eli hurst um did an awesome job especially you know just looking at

  • 55:56

this bark material yeah very cool when i was designing this i was like i really want

  • 56:02

like bark armor you know like like living tree armor i think you know you hear

  • 56:09

about it in a lot of like fantasy games and stuff but you don't get to like see it and i think it looks so sick yeah in pathfinder they have it it's called um

  • 56:18

oh my gosh i can't remember it's like living wood or something oh yeah i think it's called living wood i think you're right it is yeah living wood i think and

  • 56:24

that's that's what druids will wear because they can't have metal armors and this is the pal ward of the

  • 56:30

custodian um the cosmetic version is gonna be more platinum i think this kind

  • 56:36

of has a little bit too much gold in it um obviously none of these are like final final but yeah

  • 56:45

and they even made the weapons they look sick was it danny that did this one i'm not sure i don't have all

  • 56:50

the names on my assets here i should probably just put that in my door we should do that yeah yeah in the future

  • 56:55

i'll put in my notes i think this is danny if it's not danny i apologize but i'm pretty sure it's still and you saw

  • 57:00

this in steven's video the plumed albedia look at the colors i just love

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the colors i love light blue and white together well that whole set this actually came with that other set that

  • 57:12

whole set was kind of like that blue and like platinum platinum gold vibes with the little

  • 57:19

gemstones and stuff yeah it looks great the set was really fun to design too it's kind of different

  • 57:25

you know very meta like i know we we needed some more armor pieces for some of the the

  • 57:31

things that design is plotting um by the way i can smell what's happening right now oh is it good yeah uh it's like it's

  • 57:38

like seeping through the walls into the office this is the burrow hawk well they are starting at noon they're starting their

  • 57:45

pot the potluck i'm so ready for some food i believe this is a you design stephen

  • 57:50

the yes that's a little burrow hawk doesn't he he should have like fox a fox

  • 57:57

body fox like body there we go yeah looks loving the wing work

  • 58:02

feathers look great and then we have our oath breaker which

  • 58:08

i think you guys have seen or earth bearer i think you guys have seen him before there's been some changes and i'm

  • 58:13

so ready for a polar bear variant of this i think he made a polar bear version i know ash ash mentioned it and

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atkins is like i already got you covered buddy yeah and he like shared it it looks good it's not completely ready to show yet but um yeah that is

  • 58:27

that's theirs watching i just a quick note oh yeah that guy's so cool i love his colors um

  • 58:34

i was watching a new series i can't remember this was like a year or two ago um on hbo i think it was called

  • 58:42

um oh man what was that what was that series called on hbo where they go through there's so many series

  • 58:48

on area he's just like what was that series on hbo i know

  • 58:54

which one stephen i was like hey wait where they have a polar bear the polar bear attacks people oh he's like the king of the polar bears

  • 59:00

it was like polar bears oh yeah dark materials people are yes his dark materials yeah oh it's such a

  • 59:08

good show and then uh i'll have to watch it i would love the way this guy is darkened thank you ash just messaged me um yeah but uh ash

  • 59:16

mentioned uh having the polar bear variant i can't remember the name of it but it's uh there's like a king of that

  • 59:21

but it would be cool to see that guy's polar bear yeah awesome um we definitely will have a pullover

  • 59:27

version uh and then this is the pergol little cutie pie

  • 59:33

stuffed with my nightmares i was like i want a pig and like a squirrel and i want them to have a baby i really see

  • 59:38

the animations for this guy mirroring that of a squirrel yeah that's what i imagined

  • 59:46

i don't know what the artists are going to do but when i was designing this i was imagining it like a squirrel and a

  • 59:51

pig had a baby yeah like just running around real fast jumping on things and like sniffing on your shoulders now like

  • 59:57

it finds little yeah and like uh kind of rubbing its horns on like the

  • 1:00:04

trees to like get nuts to shake off and stuff like that yeah like sunfrog said smart as a pig

  • 1:00:10

fast as a squirrel next up um you did see these so i won't uh linger on them too long uh but this

  • 1:00:16

is the new dawnbreaker wings um you've saw you've seen these as like concept pieces i think in the past but now these

  • 1:00:22

are in game as 3d models that you can see steven was flying them around as well um

  • 1:00:28

next up we've got the sentinel great great great coat which a lot of people tell me is like the jon snow

  • 1:00:37

vibes they weren't the first people i'm like are the first people to use dark armor

  • 1:00:43

and right cloak like fur on cloaks but yeah it's looking pretty sick and

  • 1:00:48

then of course the prowler of paradis per uh perdition which is i know a fan

  • 1:00:53

favorite is now created and this is one of toa's favorite because she loves purple

  • 1:01:00

so this set was one of her faves um so there you go

  • 1:01:05

that bad boy and i think i have a turntable of him yeah reminder that these turntables are like

  • 1:01:11

them and their t-pose that's why they look a little strange um but it gives you like that i like that in-game yeah

  • 1:01:19

it has a barb at the end oh my gosh i'm just kidding like shoots out like acid or something

  • 1:01:25

and then you know we try not to give you guys too much stuff that's like in-game achievables yeah we don't

  • 1:01:31

exactly we want you to see them in game and to discover yeah exactly but we'll

  • 1:01:36

give you a little teaser yeah so this one is the uh the skin walker

  • 1:01:42

this is a skin walker this is something that can be discovered and acquired in

  • 1:01:48

game this is a mount as you can tell by its little saddle

  • 1:01:54

uh but yeah i think ginseng didn't this one yeah yeah and to remind you the cosmetic stuff helps us design the world

  • 1:01:59

so those are the those are what we use for npc variations and creatures and filling up the world and making the

  • 1:02:05

world feel lively um so just keeping that in mind too because we get a lot of questions regarding that and all really

  • 1:02:11

helping us build the world and part of the reason why we like to show sometime even though we want to keep a majority of the in-game achievable stuff kind of

  • 1:02:18

under wraps because again about that discovery component this does give you at least a marker

  • 1:02:25

point for quality comparison to the cosmetics that we've provided as

  • 1:02:31

well i mean look at you can see the detail exactly you can see the detail that's that's available

  • 1:02:38

on the in-game assets um as well as the cosmetics and see that they're comparable

  • 1:02:44

yeah the detail on this saddle is just phenomenal i want like

  • 1:02:50

armor like that with i could see that you know the back piece that's on like the

  • 1:02:55

saddle being something like on the back of your head like one of those weird what are those things called yes i know

  • 1:03:00

what you're talking about they're like weird things that people have in the back like dials like almost like a crown but it's in the back of your head

  • 1:03:06

someone knows what it is but like floating behind you yeah they're like float well they don't have to float they could be part of your armor too

  • 1:03:13

um but yes super cool with that gonna move into our q a but i

  • 1:03:19

did oh i did want to touch on a couple things that the art team is working on as well uh just to give you guys you

  • 1:03:25

know some deets um because we like to we like to give you them uh they are

  • 1:03:30

obviously creating a lot of npc armor sets weapons mounts as per usual um doing all that jazz they're also working

  • 1:03:37

on a lot of five-tier armor sets um that will be incorporated with dungeons and quest lines they're do their the design

  • 1:03:43

team's doing a lot of epic really cool epic quest lines um and they'll be incorporating a lot of those for those

  • 1:03:49

um they're working on the character creator which i know everyone's very very interested in we don't really want to

  • 1:03:55

show you screenshots of the character creator we really want to show you it working and so when we're ready to share

  • 1:04:02

that with you we will but they're kind of moving along with that they're figuring out where the limits of customization should be body scaling

  • 1:04:08

proportion scaling muscular musculature uh things and making sure that everything's working um and then

  • 1:04:14

exposing tint control for players um that's gonna be kind of like their initial task so that whenever you guys

  • 1:04:21

are playing you're able to kind of really make uh your character look you know unique um and that includes like

  • 1:04:26

skin hair and eyes and steven had a really funny one he shared with the with the

  • 1:04:31

pi folks that's secrets um go ahead

  • 1:04:36

no no i i was like what are you talking about and then i remember yeah you remember it call him swole boy

  • 1:04:43

and he skipped legs he skipped leg day yeah yeah like this little dwarf with like no legs um and then of course we

  • 1:04:49

have a lot of advancements on performance uh while they're trying to get the better fidelity with lighting

  • 1:04:54

and materials uh they're also continuing to focus on the character and environment material uh unification um

  • 1:05:00

you know this is so that we can like kind of use stuff across the board and that will also allow us to have better

  • 1:05:06

for performance so we're not like having like five different you know leather textures like they can actually use them

  • 1:05:12

for all of like character and environment stuff right um

  • 1:05:17

and then uh they're trying to get the look and the feel of characters and make sure that they're very like because that's very

  • 1:05:23

important to them so they're doing a lot more tests with environments and lighting and making sure that you know when you actually

  • 1:05:29

create your character and you're in the game that it kind of looks like what you create in character create

  • 1:05:34

and they'll be moving forward with nikua and rankai and junior models so you'll be seeing a lot of these coming um that

  • 1:05:40

includes skin head tattoos hairs facial hairstyles and then just in general they're just trying to work on a

  • 1:05:47

lot more hairstyles for all the different races and a lot more armor sets per race as well

  • 1:05:52

and i think i covered all the things unless you think there's anything i'm missing steven no not that i can think of this this

  • 1:06:00

this uh costume is very hot it's getting get hot all right let's get into the q a section uh really quick let's see let's

Outro and Q&A

  • 1:06:07

identify three top questions in the q a oh i don't i'll just go with the first three then okay fair uh as i hear from

  • 1:06:15

crafting about crafting wants to know from the forums is it decided whether hunting certifi certificates will

  • 1:06:22

sometimes such always also act as crafting materials or if these two concepts are completely separate

  • 1:06:29

generally the hunting certificates are not intended to be part of any type of crafting materials so

  • 1:06:34

um they are purely intended as a alternative mechanic to acquiring gold

  • 1:06:40

um and then additionally as a payment method for uh tax housing taxes uh as

  • 1:06:46

well as um citizen uh citizenship dues so that is the intended um

  • 1:06:54

the intended use of the hunting certificate system all right and then magic man wants to know about world

  • 1:06:59

interactivity will there be objects in the world of vera that gives certain

  • 1:07:05

utility or mobility buffs example a mushroom that makes you jump higher when stepped on

  • 1:07:11

ooh i like that um there are certain

  • 1:07:17

objects that can be placed by design some of those might be ladders they

  • 1:07:23

could be slides they could be you know different mobility things whether or not specifically there's a

  • 1:07:29

mushroom that lets you jump high probably not they could be spongy that'd be cool i don't know it could be part of

  • 1:07:34

like a jumping puzzle thing but yeah no they're i mean jumping puzzles already i know the intent is that yes there are

  • 1:07:40

going to be unique i think mobility um objects in the world such as ladders

  • 1:07:47

and slides and stuff like that and those would primarily be found probably in certain types of like dungeon settings or you know jumping puzzles or hard to

  • 1:07:53

navigate areas okay cool cool and lashing from the forum wants to know about consumables

  • 1:07:58

well buffs from food and consumables persist through death

  • 1:08:04

or like you chug a potion you die it's done it depends on it depends on the consumable there might be some very high

  • 1:08:10

grade uh consumables that do persist but generally um buffs will not persist

  • 1:08:17

uh past death so for the most part buffs will not persist past if they do it's a very

  • 1:08:23

unique or high end buff okay that's three would you like me to ask any other all right we could do one more all right

  • 1:08:28

one more he's he's given you one more uh tyranitaraxis wants to know about exploration do you plan on having a

  • 1:08:36

count-wide map exploration and knowledge or will maps be specific to your individual character

  • 1:08:43

um there that's a good question i think there's a lot of there's a lively discussion about that actually at

  • 1:08:50

the moment um and tying that into uh kind of the library system as we've

  • 1:08:56

outlined previously in cartography and the map making systems um whether or not maps will update geographic location

  • 1:09:03

advancements such as node advancements unless you've been recently to that area or have at least acquired that

  • 1:09:08

information from a central area like a library that has the cartography stuff um

  • 1:09:15

i guess answer that is don't know yet we will see that's something that's actively being discussed that's okay

  • 1:09:20

sometimes we won't have the exact specific answer quite yet but definitely we'll give you some more information on

  • 1:09:25

it in the future and so um be good on questions said stephen we're going to wrap it up well i feel bad now

  • 1:09:33

let's go to 12 15. we'll go to 12 15. okay all right how are we let's do speed round we'll just feedback okay well we

  • 1:09:39

only have uh you know ten so our next question is uh we'll just do all ten that's right yahweh knock wants to know about

  • 1:09:45

development what are some lessons learned from other or recent mmrpg releases uh and did any technical

  • 1:09:53

aspects of Ashes of Creation get considered as results sounds like a trick question it is a

  • 1:09:58

good question we know what you're trying to do get me in trouble this is gonna give me trouble

  • 1:10:04

don't worry i'll keep you from getting in trouble anything learned from recent game launches well i i think that

  • 1:10:10

there's a general thing learned about game launches as a whole right not recent or otherwise but that you know

  • 1:10:18

sometimes in game development you have outside influences that can

  • 1:10:23

um can push release dates forward and that can be a dangerous thing

  • 1:10:30

because uh both from a quality assurance perspective you know making sure that the game has had enough time to sit uh

  • 1:10:37

in that polish phase in that bug fixing phase uh because launching an mmo is a

  • 1:10:43

very unique occurrence from a game world perspective because persistence is an important thing that persistence of your

  • 1:10:50

achievements and the economy and you know going through content right like you get

  • 1:10:56

one server launch and if that gets messed up like what do you do you restart the server or it's like a

  • 1:11:02

whack-a-mole process right so taking your time is a luxury not every project has at the

  • 1:11:09

same time you have to balance what taking your time means because you know if you have announced a project like we

  • 1:11:15

have and you have active updates monthly and people are you know part of the community and anticipating that project

  • 1:11:21

and want to play the game there is a there is a patience level there is a there is a patient's

  • 1:11:27

end point as well so um i think having constant communication with your player base is extremely

  • 1:11:33

important having a very dedicated and good community team like margaret and her team is a very important bridge for

  • 1:11:39

that communication to the developers and as long as you guys are seeing that progress you're seeing that development

  • 1:11:46

we are feeling comfortable making sure we don't rush this thing because rushing this thing can get us in the

  • 1:11:52

same place that some other games we all have played have gotten to which is not

  • 1:11:58

a good place to be sometimes um we're lucky we don't have those outside influences right stephen is the

  • 1:12:03

influence that's true i do sometimes sometimes oh

  • 1:12:09

i try to delegate that cracking of the whip responsibly mostly to production but sometimes yes you do have to crack the whip but

  • 1:12:16

anyways um that would be my takeaway from you know game launches in general recent or otherwise yeah we've talked a

  • 1:12:22

lot about um even in this uh update if you go earlier we talked about how you know when it comes to different systems

  • 1:12:28

or or um ui or whatever it might be we learn a lot from different games of what things

  • 1:12:34

we like what things we what things we think we can improve with ours systems that we can make better or you know

  • 1:12:41

systems that we like uh so i think that we we constantly are looking at what other products are doing um as gamers

  • 1:12:48

ourselves we just want to have fun so i think it all yeah i think it's it's important to note that

  • 1:12:55

um you know any any intelligent person is going to look

  • 1:13:00

at what is being done within their their market sphere right their that space

  • 1:13:06

um and uh you know there's there's great additions that can be had because of it there's

  • 1:13:12

revisions that can be had there's you know we can walk back some design ideas because another game has helped kind of

  • 1:13:18

you know take that idea and prototype it themselves in their launch and that's fine like you know it is what it is uh

  • 1:13:25

but you know i think the most important rule is communicate with your players and take the time necessary to make sure

  • 1:13:31

that the quality assurance of your game is good and that the design loops are are solid because mmos

  • 1:13:38

have one opportunity to launch and your performance and and that performance is not just game client and performance

  • 1:13:43

it's also server performance is going to be systems and systems as well how that system performs in the core gameplay

  • 1:13:50

loop right that's that's another important component but yeah sorry go ahead next one no you okay uh next one

  • 1:13:55

is from dab poor g for rapid fire i know so much for our fire we got alpha 2. uh when you move into alpha 2

  • 1:14:02

phase of testing do you have any predictions hopes or goals concerning server population capacity

  • 1:14:09

yeah we're aiming for between 8 to 10 000 concurrent users on a per world shard basis um we feel very confident in

  • 1:14:18

that ability um we are also looking for very large battles

  • 1:14:23

as well and we feel confident on that front um also so those are our goals and and we're

  • 1:14:28

sticking to them yeah anduin wants to know about lower what are the average

  • 1:14:33

lifespans for each of the major races of era maybe we can't give that information

  • 1:14:38

right now um yeah i mean generally speaking from a traditional fantasy perspective

  • 1:14:45

especially a kind of precedence on races that you know like d and d has i think a

  • 1:14:51

similar uh concept for racism much longer yeah exactly i think i think you

  • 1:14:57

can look to that front and and kind of draw some similarities um but yeah that that stuff will

  • 1:15:02

probably be outlined as we reveal more information on the races and if you as a result of the character creator unlock

  • 1:15:07

some of the lore from the Extra Life you'll get some little teasers and bits of some of that as well uh tirakel wants to know about combat

  • 1:15:15

how do you foresee projectiles working in terms of any differences between firing them in action or tab targeted

  • 1:15:22

combat that's a good question that we recently had some discussion about obviously there's some concern when it

  • 1:15:29

comes to projectiles and hitboxes especially when races have varying

  • 1:15:34

hitbox sizes and in that regard we're going to look to to kind of doing something on the

  • 1:15:40

capsule base aspect because most capsules you know and their bases will be relative in size

  • 1:15:46

so something that the design and engineering team are looking towards and you'll probably get more information on that as we draw closer to alpha 2 and

  • 1:15:53

kind of outline some of the work we've done on the action combat front um i think all right and then karthos wants

  • 1:15:59

to know about ships for ships with a variable slash utility or variable utility slash weapon locations is this

  • 1:16:07

assignment done when the ship is first created or can it be changed when the

  • 1:16:12

owner desires um this would be something that's done at the at the creation stage of the ship

  • 1:16:18

so if there are variable locations that are that are available as part of the blueprint of that particular ship's

  • 1:16:24

design those elections would be made prior to construction completion all

  • 1:16:29

right and song roon wants to know about housing is there any plan to have furniture items behave in which they

  • 1:16:35

have effects that can be used up and or can be used up and need to be repaired or replaced or will this be related in

  • 1:16:43

some way to no destruction so basically like things having effects that could get

  • 1:16:49

consumed or destroyed um no i don't think we have any plans on the furniture slash housing

  • 1:16:56

side that are you know a limited use um aspect um

  • 1:17:03

i'm trying to think trying to delve deep into the reservoir of my mind

  • 1:17:09

there's a lot there i know i was like wait yeah um i would say tentatively no i

  • 1:17:14

wouldn't and i wouldn't say that's part of when your freehold gets destroyed uh you'll have like a blueprint

  • 1:17:20

you get sent back yeah so you'll be able to like reset it up pretty easy once you purchase a new freehold location and

  • 1:17:26

uh whether that's in the town that you rebuild or is owned by a new ruler or you move it

  • 1:17:32

somewhere else all right and with that we're going to wrap up our october development update

  • 1:17:39

we hope that you have a spectacular rest of your month congratulations to all of the glorious gourd winners uh they were

  • 1:17:46

quite gorgeous very talented community we always love seeing all your fan art obviously we've been displaying fan art

  • 1:17:52

all throughout this live stream please send us more we love seeing those there you can do that over on our forums in

  • 1:17:57

the um community creation section or you can just share them with us on social media we're at Ashes of Creation in all

  • 1:18:03

of the places um we are going to be doing our Extra Life 24 hour live stream november 6 10 a.m pacific you will not

  • 1:18:11

want to miss it yes and i just want to jump on that point real quick is our community has

  • 1:18:16

done an amazing job over the years in showing what gamers

  • 1:18:21

with a purpose can do to help other people especially to help children Extra Life i think has done a great job

  • 1:18:27

a great service not just to the industry at large but our community as as a gamer population um to show that we do care uh

  • 1:18:35

for others and and we show that care so this saturday not this saturday next saturday next saturday november 6th

  • 1:18:43

whether you're donating or just showing up to watch and lend your support from a viewership standpoint spread the word

  • 1:18:50

about uh november 6 saturday uh have your friends come and take part and

  • 1:18:55

watch there's going to be a lot of exciting things margaret's cooked up a whole great show as she does each year

  • 1:19:01

and i know you guys are going to have fun doing it but you're also going to have an opportunity to participate in

  • 1:19:06

something that's important and changes lives and and that's something that you know in all our pursuits in life we should

  • 1:19:13

endeavor in some way shape or form uh along our path to to do something to help others so this is a great

  • 1:19:19

opportunity to help other people whether you're donating or not you know it doesn't matter just come and be a part of the festivities come and be a part of

  • 1:19:25

the event um we love having you guys there and there's tons of interactive bull things that will be part of the

  • 1:19:31

stream so um yeah just 100 so show up spread the word for

  • 1:19:36

it there's gonna be a lot of social postings if you're not on social media and not following us on twitter whatever discord you know come hang out there uh

  • 1:19:43

but help spread the word for the Extra Life event um it's gonna be a lot of fun yeah i'm super excited i think the whole

  • 1:19:50

pathfinder team is going to dress up we're we're plotting we're plotting fun um

  • 1:19:56

and of course uh you we will have a new dev discussion and guild gathering up in november and

  • 1:20:02

the november uh or the october cosmetics will be swapping over november 3rd so to

  • 1:20:07

stay tuned for the next set um or snag up the ones for this one if you like the spooktacular themes and we will put this

  • 1:20:15

up on youtube so if you want please go subscribe to us on youtube we put all our videos up there we try to make sure

  • 1:20:20

that you know you can find us in all the places we're at Ashes of Creation everywhere

  • 1:20:26

so super easy to find us and we are constantly posting stuff daily sometimes multiple times a day so uh if you

  • 1:20:34

want to get kind of those little snippets of sneak peeks into our development that's the best way to do so

  • 1:20:39

and i will be doing a duet by the way so if you have any

  • 1:20:44

recommendations oh yeah that's true that's true but if you have any recommendations for what duet you'd like

  • 1:20:50

us to do i think it has to be a disney song it can't be new world we did that last year so any disney suggestions go

  • 1:20:57

on discord go on twitter and add us and and let us know what you want us to sing

  • 1:21:02

okay yeah we are and like stephen said we get that the new world one uh

  • 1:21:09

oh i'm gonna be somebody said dance they wanna see me dance i'm gonna be dancing on our tick tock i think we're going to have a tick tock we are putting together

  • 1:21:15

tick tock but there's also there is a dance uh contest as part of the the

  • 1:21:20

milestones so if we hit the milestone stephen's dancing i'm going to do this robot in

  • 1:21:26

the studio i can break dance i'm ready i can't break dance i can lay on the floor [Laughter]

  • 1:21:33

all right well we'll see who's the winner of that uh if we hit the milestones and of course there may be a

  • 1:21:38

great pieing of stephen's face again this year if we hit hit donation goals you know all the good

  • 1:21:44

stuff dinosaur lightsaber battles uh it's just a lot of fun come tune in there's a lot of interactive stuff that

  • 1:21:49

where the community gets to vote on stuff um we have some community members who will be partaking in some of the

  • 1:21:55

events like the minecraft stuff we have community judges uh bustin chibibri and sumerg are going to be our judges

  • 1:22:02

we have a whole bunch of developer teams this year i think we have five developer teams or six developer teams and our mod

  • 1:22:09

team is back this year so it's just going to be a lot of fun

  • 1:22:15
