Voyager pre-order pack: Sep 2020 - Oct 2020

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The Voyager pre-order pack was available from the نزخم ليمجتلا تارضحتسم.[1]

تاريخ الصفحة

Pre-order pack information

Pre-order pack cosmetic skins cycled monthly and are never available again for purchase.[4] Apart from the cosmetic skins, the packages also included subscription time, embers (virtual currency for future cosmetics when the game is live), access to alphas and betas, and other perks such as name reservation.[5]

  • Pre-order pack holders could purchase individual cosmetics (at the same or lower level as their pack purchase) as add-ons in the month that they are on sale.[2][5][9]
These packs are completely optional and provide no vital components for succeeding in Ashes.[5]Steven Sharif

See also
