Template:Help:Translation quick start guide

من Ashes of Creation Wiki
مراجعة ٢١:٠٠، ١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢ بواسطة Lex (نقاش | مساهمات)

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اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
info-orange.pngNew translators your translations may require approval from a Curator before they appear on the wiki.
  1. Navigate to the article you wish to translate then click Edit (or View Source, depending on your access level). Here we will use the دقعلا article as an example.
    translation guide 1.png
  2. Click on the template you wish to translate then click on the associated template link.
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  3. If you are in the English language wiki, select the language you wish to translate the page to. Please do not translate the original English language templates.
    translation guide 3.png
  4. Otherwise if you are in another wiki language and the template for that language does not exist, the wiki will automatically copy the English language version to use as the baseline for your translation.
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  5. When you have completed your translation, click "Save changes". You can also preview your work by clicking "Show preview". This will show the text as it would appear in the Wiki without saving it.