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Ashes of Creation has taken inspiration from various other MMORPG titles.[1]

In terms of what came before, we're trying to figure out who did what best and take inspiration from that: Move the genre forward; keep things updated and bring it into the 21st century.[1]Jeffrey Bard
A lot of the systems in Lineage 2 were based around a concept that got lost today in mmorpgs, and that's risk versus reward. You know this idea that the more you risk the greater potential reward should be present is a complete paradigm shift away from everyone's a winner, everybody gets a participation reward, and here you go, congratulations you're a player in this game; and that's boring. It gives nothing for a person to aspire to achieve something, or to feel the bite of loss when you fail. Those are the driving forces of why people want to play games and it's a reason why new games when they come out have such a short lifespan, because they are always competing with WOW. You don't have to compete with WOW. You don't have to be a WOW killer. You can focus on something that is different from a philosophical design standpoint; and I think that's just what a lot of studios today don't want to take the risk on.[3]Steven Sharif

While Ashes of Creation took inspiration from Lineage II (and other games) it has also addressed several flaws in the implementation of those games.[5][2][4][1] The approach of the flagging system in Ashes of Creation is to further disincentivize griefing while still allowing the system to keep risk relevant in the open-world setting.[5]

First and foremost, PvP in Ashes exists in both opt-in systems and events, as well as our open world flagging system. And while it is true that I enjoyed and took much inspiration from games like Lineage 2, we have innovated and adapted our approach to Ashes’ flagging system in order to further disincentivize griefing while still allowing the system to keep risk relevant in the open world setting. The overwhelming majority of player’s experiences with PvP in Ashes will be through consensual systems like caravans, sieges, wars, the open sea and other events. Players will make a choice to participate in those systems or not. And if they choose to participate there will be significant rewards for success.[5]Steven Sharif
In the open world, when competing for the scarcity of resources, raids, dungeons and or hunting grounds, an important element of risk vs reward is introduced through our flagging system. Players must be aware of their surroundings and the reputation of other players who may be in proximity. The flagging system is intended to always provide an element of risk in all settings, but also architected to ensure that griefing and PK’ing is almost never worth it. The subtleties of this system are complex, which is of course why it will require considerable testing and feedback.[5]Steven Sharif
  • Corruption gain takes into account level disparity between the attacker and the player that was killed. The greater the disparity the higher the corruption accrued.[2][6][7][8][9] Corruption penalties occur as the corruption is gained.[10]
These are all things that I've changed in the system that help to safeguard some of those loopholes. Now of course, as we said, we can't and we don't want to 100% remove the ability for that risk to be alive- for that risk to be realized. But what we do want to do is make sure that those occasions are few and infrequent, and are not the majority of a player experience, let's say in the open world; and we do so by incorporating all of those risks and costs into a decision to gain corruption and then PK another player in the open world. It's just not going to be done often and that is my expectation and opinion. It's also the goal of the system is that griefing is not a viable option or play style. And as a result of that desire for the system, we will fine tune it in such a way through testing that that outcome is achieved. And that is the intent and purpose of the design.[11]Steven Sharif
  • Non-combatants can attack corrupted players without flagging themselves as combatants.[11][18]
  • There is a 60 second timer to logout while corrupt. Force-disconnecting the client during the cooldown will leave the character in-game.[11][22]


Ashes of Creation.[23]

Ashes of Creation takes place within a medieval fantasy setting, blending imagination with cutting-edge graphics. We are putting the word massive back into massively multiplayer with unique and novel mechanics that will bring meaning to player action. Ashes of Creation will incorporate the best parts of traditional MMORPGs with innovative sandbox concepts. You will choose your fate at every opportunity. Questlines will open and close based on the interactions of the players with their world, because this is a world where choice is consequential. Monsters will roam and grow in ferocity as civilization disrupts the natural order of things. From the location of towns to the size of cities, you will determine the landscape of your world. It will be unique in culture, ecology, and economy.[24]

Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG set in a world of high fantasy where player’s choices will shape and define the world around them.[25]

Ashes of Creation is a unique take on the MMO experience. Our world structure is dynamic and built to react to the actions of our players. Cities will rise and fall, their populations based on the history of the world as the players create it. Quests will unlock as these populations gather, their needs grow, and secrets are unlocked. As the world’s NPC structure is established in real time, players will have the ability to destroy what they’ve created, paving the way for new development, new populations, and real change. Political strife and intrigue will play a very real role in the structure of your world. Gone are the days of static worlds, change is here to stay.[24]
  • The developers are hoping for over a million concurrent users at launch.[27]

In order for sandbox mechanics to mean something, there must be curated content to accompany the player’s choices. Which means, as the developers, we must create that Themebox style content but for every possible path the community may take.[9]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation is a PvX game built on the foundational principle of risk versus reward. The developers may seek feedback and make changes to portions of the game, but the core design pillars of the game will never be changed.[28][29][30][31][32]

We will refine systems, we will iterate on systems, but we will never change the core identity of the intent and philosophical approach to what Ashes of Creation as an MMO brings to the MMO genre space... What we want to do is express that Ashes of Creation is endeavoring to build a risk-versus-reward centric PvX style game. And that intent and purpose will be delivered upon, and it will not change.[31]Steven Sharif
  • Ashes of Creation is referred to by the developers as a "themebox" or "sandpark" game as they aim to create a reactive player-driven world accompanied by curated content.[25][9]
When it comes to how MMO’s have been traditionally designed, most gamers are familiar with two distinct types of gameplay loops: the “theme park”, and the “sandbox”. The vast majority of MMO’s we’ve all seen come and go in the gaming industry have been of the theme park variety – these games put the player onto a specific path, guiding them along, with plenty of pretty sights in between the same old quest hubs, very little in divergent paths, virtually no freedom in player progression. Recently the MMO genre has seen some games of the sandbox nature come onto the scene, but despite the ultimate freedom the sandbox affords players, many are left wanting more, as there is by definition no pre built world content, no human touch, just the vastness of the “sand” for lack of a better term. Thus many MMO players often find themselves caught between the repetitive rock of the theme park or the vast dead spaces of the sandbox’s hard place. This chasm between the state of MMO gameplay loops is where we intend to inject Ashes of Creation’s Node system.[25]
Q: How do you go about designing some of the more old school systems such as XP debt, minimal fast travel, and open world raiding that have really gone away for the most part in modern MMOs?
A: When looking at the reasoning behind why some of those old systems existed, a lot of it was centralized around the idea of risk versus reward. I mean, let's take a look at the three that you name, XP debt, minimal fast travel, and open world raiding. Experience debt is a cost of failure. Experience debt is the bite of not achieving success. If I die to a monster because my strategy was bad, because my performance was bad, because my planning was bad: all of that means that debt is the cost I pay for the bad choice... Minimal fast travel: My location matters; and the time it travels there is the cost I pay. Open world raiding: I'm not the only person interested in completing this objective. I have competition. That competition represents pressure. That pressure represents a desire to succeed and perform. All of those are touch points on player emotional connectivity. There is a reason why I want to succeed: Part of that reason can be incentivization through reward; part of that reason can be distance; it can be incentivization through failure. So that I think are one of the core fundamental philosophies as to how you design some of the more old-school systems.[33]Steven Sharif

ميمصتلا زئاكر

The design of Ashes of Creation adheres to five main pillars.[34]

  1. ةرماغو ةيلعافت ةصق
  2. يلعافتلا ملاعلا
  3. بعاللا لعافت
  4. بعال ةلاكو
  5. Risk vs reward

In designing Ashes of Creation, we adhere every detail to five main pillars: Engaging and Immersive Story, a Reactive World, Player Interaction, Player Agency, and Risk vs Reward. Even in the environment, everything you as the player do will tie into these pillars, while everything your guild does, everything your server does will ultimately keep the world fresh, ever-changing, and most importantly... exciting.[34]

ةرماغو ةيلعافت ةصق

المواضيع التي تعكس الماضي والحاضر Verra

يلعافتلا ملاعلا

المواضيع التي تصف كيف يتطور عالم فيرا بناءً على نشاط اللاعب

بعاللا لعافت

أنظمة الألعاب والميكانيكيات التي تعزز تفاعل اللاعبين

قررنا التركيز على الميكانيكا التي تجعل فكرة المجتمع في المقدمة. لجعل الناس يتفاعلون مع بعضهم البعض بشكل هادف - ليس فقط لغزو رئيس مداهمة ، أو الحصول على عملة معدنية من دار مزايد لا وجه لها ، ولكن ربما لإنقاذ مدينة. مدينة كانت جميع المقيمين المحليين فيها مصلحة فيها. مدينة قضى اللاعبون أسابيع أو أشهر في تطويرها ؛ الدفاع عن تلك المدينة ، الهجوم على تلك المدينة! أو بناء عالم معاً كمجتمع يختار مصيرنا مع أصدقائنا. نؤمن بأن هذه القصة ستكون أكثر ذكاءً وذكاءً للاعبين أكثر من أي شيء يمكن أن نتوصل إليه[40]

بعال ةلاكو

الأنظمة التي تنمو وتشكل خبرة اللاعبين في اللعبة

سيكون لدينا الكثير من المحتوى المتاح ، ولكن سيكون ذلك خلف الأبواب التي يمكن الوصول إليها من خلال الوكالة نيابة عن المجتمع. بالمعنى التقليدي للكلمة ، لا نحن لسنا حديقة ملاهي ، ولكن سيكون لدينا على الأرجح محتوى أكثر من حديقة الملاهي ، تقليديا. فقط لأنه لكي تكون هذه الخيارات ذات مغزى ، يجب أن يكون هناك محتوى ذا معنى خلف الباب الذي تختاره[41]Steven Sharif

ةأفاكملا لباقم رطاخملا

الأنشطة التي تكافئ المغامرين الجريئين وتعزز الصراع ذي المعنى

العلاقة بين المخاطر والمكافآت ، عندما تقول ، على سبيل المثال ، أنك خصصت بعض الوقت لبناء عقدة ، وقد خصص لاعبون آخرون ذلك الوقت المكافئ نحو محاصرة العقدة ، ستكون هناك معركة ضارية بين هؤلاء اللاعبين ... وقت القيام بذلك لأنهم يهتمون بشغف للوصول إلى هذا المحتوى[43]Steven Sharif

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 مقابلة, 2018-08-24 (8:35).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 CC effects do notapply to non-combatants.png
  3. 3.0 3.1 مقابلة, 2020-07-29 (9:02).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 steven-l2.png
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 steven-asmon-open-world-pvp.png
  6. 6.0 6.1 steven-corruption-value.png
  7. 7.0 7.1 مقابلة, 2020-07-18 (41:54).
  8. steven-corruption-score.png
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  10. 10.0 10.1 corruption.jpg
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 البث المباشر, 2022-10-28 (26:48).
  12. البث المباشر, 2022-10-28 (24:28).
  13. مقابلة, 2018-05-11 (5:05).
  14. ﻲﺗﻮﺻ ﻦﻳﻭﺪﺗ, 2018-04-23 (51:31).
  15. البث المباشر, 2017-05-22 (42:33).
  16. ﻲﺗﻮﺻ ﻦﻳﻭﺪﺗ, 2017-05-05 (43:05).
  17. مقابلة, 2020-07-18 (44:35).
  18. 18.0 18.1 مقابلة, 2017-04-27 (0:17).
  19. steven-healing-corrupt.png
  20. مقابلة, 2019-04-22 (54:40).
  21. البث المباشر, 2017-11-17 (29:45).
  22. steven-flagging-logout.png
  23. فيديو, 2017-04-30 (0:00).
  24. 24.0 24.1 Ashes of Creation MMO.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 A reactive world - Nodes.
  26. ﻲﺗﻮﺻ ﻦﻳﻭﺪﺗ, 2021-04-11 (46:44).
  27. البث المباشر, 2022-10-14 (37:10).
  28. البث المباشر, 2023-07-28 (1:30:11).
  29. البث المباشر, 2023-04-07 (55:22).
  30. البث المباشر, 2023-03-31 (1:00:16).
  31. 31.0 31.1 البث المباشر, 2022-10-28 (32:52).
  32. البث المباشر, 2017-06-01 (37:39).
  33. البث المباشر, 2023-04-07 (40:30).
  34. 34.0 34.1 design pillars.png
  35. Dillias diary.
  36. البث المباشر, 2018-02-09 (33:50).
  37. البث المباشر, 2018-01-18 (16:34).
  38. البث المباشر, 2018-02-09 (4:42).
  39. فيديو, 2018-02-24 (0:01).
  40. Ashes of Creation - A new Beginning.
  41. البث المباشر, 2018-04-8 (AM) (27:26).
  42. فيديو, 2017-07-16 (0:01).
  43. البث المباشر, 2017-05-22 (38:44).